Monday, May 25, 2020
Personal Narrative My School Day - 1594 Words
6:37 a.m. I stand in front of my shuttered bedroom mirror, as the blood slowly trickles its way down my fingers and onto my freshly cleaned, white carpet. Tears begin to roll down from my emerald green eyes down and rest upon my rosy cheeks but it wasn’t from the intense sharp pain I was experiencing in my hand. I lowered my head as my strawberry blonde hair falls over my face, blocking my view from the mirror. It’s another school day and just like the last, I was dreading the very thought of it. I feel my phone vibrate against my leg, so with my dry hand I reach across my body and grab my mobile from my left pocket. â€Å"Today’s going to be fun, I promise. Remember no big girls don’t cry :).†This is just another daily reminder from our†¦show more content†¦It’s 30 degrees out today but I would rather overheat then to be seen. I look at the plain blank screen on my phone to have a final check on my black eye before I receive anothe r text. â€Å"See you in Chemistry ugly betty.†My name is Beatrice I sighed to myself. I slide my phone into my back pocket and fling the hood over my black hair. Period One: Physics Period Two: English 10:30 a.m. It’s official first break and I make a quick dash to the cafeteria to avoid Chase. Chase is one of the school’s most promising sports star so they often hang in the cafeteria if they aren’t on the field. He’s in the swimming team, lacrosse team and is captain of the basketball team. Not to mention he is in other groups like Vinnies, scholarships and the anti-bullying club, which amuses me. I stand impatiently in line tapping my feet in time to the music that the jocks were playing over the school speakers. When I am finally next in line and ready to order I see Chase looking at me from across the room. Our eyes lock and I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight. I hear faint whispering of someone saying my name. â€Å"Beatrice, I don’t have all day what do you want?†I jolt my head quickly towards the cafeteria lady bring my attention back to the food. I just shake my head and walk out and from the corner of my eye I just see Chase laughing. Period Three: History Period Four: Chemistry†¦ Great. I go and sit down in my normalShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : My School Day1703 Words  | 7 PagesAfter an eight hour school day whizzed by, filled with laughter and joy spent with my friends, I walked towards my bus. Looking around, I could see everything from birds gliding in the wind, their feathers glistening in the sunlight, to spiders in the bushes, working tirelessly to spin their magnificently intricate masterpiece webs. The trees were starting to change from a vibrant green, to a light yellow, to a deep orange, and finally, to a bloody red. 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