Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Questions 11 and 12 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Questions 11 and 12 - Coursework Example A price ceiling is not the equilibrium price. It is dictated by government and is below the equilibrium price. For any price that is below the market-determined price or what is also known as the equilibrium price, the quanity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied. It will then create a shortage. In a free market where government does not intervene, any shortage will result in an increase in price until it reaches market equilibrium. At the equilibrium price, the problem of shortage is eliminated because quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied. If a price ceiling is imposed by government, the market forces are prevented from moving towards market equilibrium. Rationing coupons insure that consumers with the highest values get limited amount of a good supplied when price ceilings are imposed because the cost of the product is changed to the price in money plus the price in coupons (Schenk, n.d.). The cost of the coupon is equivalent to the ceiling price, which is below equilibrium price. This means that demand for the good or service will increase because of the lower price. However with rationing coupons, the buyers need to pay a higher price because they still need to pay an additional amount on top of the coupon price. This effectively weeds out consumers who cannot afford the additional premium over the coupon price; thus, decreasing quantity demanded and the shortage problem. The consumers who can afford the highest value or premium on top of coupon price will ultimately get the limited amount supplied because the suppliers will prefer to sell to them the good or service. An economic model, the expected utility theory helps both organizations and individuals in making decisions under risk (Thomas-Maurice, 2011). â€Å"The expected utility theory is a theory of decision-making under risk that accounts for a manager’s attitude toward
Monday, October 28, 2019
United States’ Food Supply Safety Essay Example for Free
United States’ Food Supply Safety Essay The food supply of the Unites States is safe from contamination. This is evident through the regular surveillance and other efforts done by the authorities to keep the safety of the nation’s food supply especially from contamination. The safety of the food supplies starts at the farm and not in the grocery stores. According to the article of Sharon Durham in Agricultural Research entitled Food safety in the 21st century: Coordinated Monitoring of Animal Health, in the year 2003, the Agricultural Research Service or ARS as well as two other agencies under the US Department of Agriculture or USDA started a combined effort in protecting the health of the livestock of America as well as ensuring the safety of the food supply (Durham, 1). This research gives way of tracing the critical diseases in food production that involves animals. In addition, it improves general understanding of factors that causes food safety risks such as those in plants and other manufacturing plants. Also, scientific examinations help detect contamination at vital points in food production (Apgar, 1). On the other hand, the National Animal Health Monitoring System or NAHMS performs surveillance that seeks to identify as well as tackle animal health and food safety matters of major concern. Also, the US Customs and Border Protection or CBP and the Food and Drug Administration or FDA initiated new joint efforts in protecting the food supply of the nation. Through the Memorandum of Understanding or MOU signed last December 2003, the Customs agents are now allowed to examine foods that are imported to the United States (FDA Consumer, 1). Furthermore, the CBP and FDA issued a policy guide that tells their strategy in maintaining the continuous flow of food imports while increasing their safety. The policy guide deals with enforcing two regulations. These are first, it require an advance notice to the FDA for shipments of imported foods into the country. Second , it requires a registration with the FDA of local as well as overseas facilities such as manufacturing, processing, packing and holding services for consumption in the United States. These rules aim to boost the security in the supply chain yet it also involves additional cost and difficulty to transporters (Albright, 1). Meanwhile, the government seeks to enhance standards for industries to get extra money for bigger examination to improve the security of government amenities. National agencies such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Defense (DOD), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are working together on bio-security plan. In addition, the EPA makes sure the safety of the water supply even from the terrorist attacks. The agency together with local water utilities performs evaluation of susceptibilities, to stiffen security within the vicinity of the facilities, to improve emergency response plans whenever attacks occur (Chapman, 1). Anyway, the food industry has been working vigorously also in ensuring the safety of the food supplies. There are several associations that participated in the Alliance for Food Security. They conduct meetings together with government agencies directing food security concern. The industry is sharing methods that a lot of companies are getting to improve their security, to full background checks on employees especially the new ones, and to limit the employees who have access to main zone of the facilities. Some members of the industry have worked strongly with the aforesaid government agencies to address queries concerning food. The FDA has the direct liability for guaranteeing the safety of the food products while CDC leads in conducting disease surveillance. They keep an eye on the occurrence of sickness in the US that is attributable to the supply of food. Moreover, programs such as the annual Food Safety Summit and Expo that is sponsored by National Food Processors Association and the National Restaurant Association help the tighten the security of the entire nation’s food network. Strategies to prevent intentional as well as unintentional food contamination are being laid out during this annual activity (Prewitt, 1). The food industry, itself, has its own programs in keeping the safety of the food supply and this id done in cooperation with the different companies. For instance is the Supplier Audits for Food Excellence or SAFE Program which is initiated through the assistance of more than two-dozen member companies (Johnston, 1). Further, the technological advancements today are a big help when it comes to ensuring the safety of the country’s food supply. The flourishing field of genetic engineering has started changing the daily American diet. Biotechnology has provided us with progress like foods with improved nutritional content and this time, FDA is controlling new food products to ensure their safety. References: Durham Sharon. â€Å"Food safety in the 21st century: coordinated monitoring of animal health†. Agricultural Research. October 2006. Available: http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3741/is_10_54/ai_n16807530, http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3741/is_10_54/ai_n16807530/pg_2. March 2, 2007. â€Å"Agencies team up to protect food supply U. S. Customs and Border Protection†. FDA Consumer. March-April 2004. Available: http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1370/is_2_38/ai_114242021. March 2, 2007. Albright, Brian. â€Å"New cargo security regulations: present challenges to shippers, carriers: advance manifest and food safety rules could increase safetyâ€â€and costâ€â€of cross-border shipments Supply Chain Management†. Frontline Solutions. February 2004. Available: http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0DIS/is_2_5/ai_113907155, http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0DIS/is_2_5/ai_113907155/pg_2. March 2, 2007. Chapman, Nancy. â€Å"Industry secures food supply†. Prepared Foods. January 2002. Available: http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3289/is_1_171/ai_81861689. March 2, 2007. Apgar, Toni. â€Å"A call to action-food poisoning and food supply safety†. Vegetarian Times. November 1996. Available: http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0820/is_n231/ai_18810447. March 2, 2007. Prewitt, Mildred. â€Å"Safety summit: Securing U. S. food supply an uphill battle; Contamination and bioterror hot topics Food Safety Summit and Expo Legal Beat†. Nation’s Restaurant News. March 25, 2002. Available: http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3190/is_12_36/ai_84237780, http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3190/is_12_36/ai_84237780/pg_2. March 2, 2007. Johnston, Kelly. â€Å"Safety with a good bottom line Formulation Ingredient Challenges Food safety†. Prepared Foods. March 2002. Available: http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3289/is_3_171/ai_83744775. March 2, 2007 Young, Frank E. â€Å"Safety first: protecting Americas food supply FDAs Year of Foods†. FDA Consumer. July-August 1988. Available: http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1370/is_n6_v22/ai_6589510, http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1370/is_n6_v22/ai_6589510/pg_2. March 2, 2007
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Puck and Bottom in A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay -- Midsummer Night
Puck and Bottom in A Midsummer Night's Dream     When James Joyce was a teenager, a friend asked him if he had ever been in love. He answered, "How would I write the most perfect love songs of our time if I were in love - A poet must always write about a past or a future emotion, never about a present one - A poet's job is to write tragedies, not to be an actor in one" (Ellman 62). I mention this because - after replacing the word "comedy" for "tragedy" and allowing a little latitude on the meaning of the word "actor" - Joyce is subconsciously giving A Midsummer Night's Dream's argument about the role of the artist. That is to say, an artist must be removed from the action, or, at least, not prone to normal temptations. This emotional distance gives the artist the type of perspective that Theseus likens to a madman's. It also, however, gives the artist a vantage point from which he can give the other characters' experiences meaning. Therefore, I will argue that, in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare se es the artist as someone who is removed from the play's main action, but gives meaning to the play's experience (for both the audience and the other characters). I will show this by examining the roles of the two counterpart artists: Bottom (who supercedes Peter Quince as Every Mother's Son's artist), and Puck (whose art is changing people's hearts and minds). My first four paragraphs show how Shakespeare uses Puck and Bottom allegorically to represent two different components of the artistic mind. Secondly, I show how Shakespeare leaves them emotionally distant from the main action of the play. Lastly, I will show how they end up interpreting the play, thereby, giving it meaning.  It is im... ...speare's Festive Comedy: A Study of Dramatic Form and Its Relation to Social Custom. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972. Bonazza, Blaze O. Shakespeare's Early Comedies: A Structural Analysis*. The Hague: Mouton, 1966. Briggs, Katharine M. The Anatomy of Puck. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1959. Frye, Northrop. "Characterization in Shakespeare's Comedy," Shakespeare Quarterly: Vol.IV (1953), pp.271-277. Nevo, Ruth. Comic Transformations in Shakespeare. New York: Routledge, Chapman & Hall, 1981. Palmer, John. Comic Characters of Shakespeare. London: Macmillan, 1946. Rhoades, Duane. Shakespeare's Defense of Poetry: "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "The Tempest". Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,1986. Young, David. Something of Great Constancy: The Art of "A Midsummer Night's Dream". New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1966.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Five Sociological terms and concepts Essay
The purpose of this paper is to talk about the five sociological terms, concepts or theories that I feel have impacted my understanding of the social world. These terms, concepts and theories include the social construction of reality, sociological perspective, observational research, operational definition and debunking. I will define each concept and then briefly explain how the concept helped me understand the process by which reality is socially constructed. The first concept that impacted my understanding of the social world is the social construction of reality. The social construction of reality is our perception of reality is built for us by other people. It isn’t determined by other people but it is heavily influenced by other people. Things that influence our social construction of reality could be our parents, friends, neighborhoods we lived in, schools we attended and everybody and everything we came in contact throughout our lives. The social construction of reali ty helped me better understand how reality is socially constructed because it showed me how other people can influence an individual and shaped them into the person they are. The second concept that impacted my understanding of the social world is the sociological perspective. A perspective is the way to see the world. There are many different perspectives that include anything from The Historical Perspective to The Psychological Perspective. Specifically, The Sociological Perspective states that the world doesn’t consist of a reality that everyone sees in the exact same way. Everyone views situations from different angles. With The Sociological Perspective, it doesn’t matter who is right and who is wrong. The Sociological Perspective is only concerned with whether they are seeing the big picture. The Sociological Perspective exists so that we can view social reality from as many perspectives as possible instead of looking at it from your own. The Sociological Perspective helped me better understand how reality is socially constructed because now I actively use it look at situations, I now try to view situations from other peoples perspectiv es. The third concept that impacted my understanding of the social world is observational research. Observational Research is a tool that sociologists use to gather data on certain subjects and theories. First there is Participant Observation. Participant Observation is the observation on a subject that is done personally the researcher. The second type is Naturalistic Observation. Naturalistic Observation is the observation of subjects in their natural environment usually without the knowledge of the subjects in order to get more accurate data. Observational Research helped me better understand how reality is socially constructed by producing data that opens our minds in the social world. The forth term that impacted my understanding of the social world is Operational Definition. Operational Definition is a definition that can be measured. Operational Definitions specify definitions as much as possible. It can be measured in many different ways, whether it be numerical or just a more specific definition of a word. Operational Definition helped me better understand how society is socially constructed by giving a more descriptive definition of different word that would otherwise would not have been measured. The fifth and final concept that impacted my understanding of the social world is Debunking. Debunking is one of Peter Berger’s motifs for sociological consciousness. Debunking is the examining of social beliefs to see if they’re supported by empirical evidence. It’s used to look beyond the facts and refers to looking at the behind-the-scenes patterns and processes that shape the behavior observed in the social world. Debunking helped me better understand how society is socially constructed by proving that things aren’t always what they look like until you look past the surface and see the things that shape our behavior in the social world. This paper’s purpose was to talk about the five sociological terms, concepts or theories that I feel have impacted my understanding of the social world. The paper included social construction of reality, sociological perspective, observational research, operational definition and debunking, all of which impacted my understanding of how society is socially constructed.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How does Thomas Hardy create and maintain Essay
How does Thomas Hardy create and maintain a sense of mystery and malignant, uncontrollable forces in â€Å"The withered arm†Thomas Hardy creates and maintains mystery and malignant, underlying forces by using symbolic descriptions of the setting, the atmosphere and the strange unguessable plot. Thomas Hardy sets the story in the fictional village of Holmstoke. Holm means home and stoke means fire. This gives two impressions, one of a nice cosy warm story, but it also gives the impression that fire is also connected with bad things like Hell and witchcraft. This makes you start to wonder what the story will be like. Thomas Hardy uses natural settings to contrast with unnatural events or behaviour. The heath is used a lot because of this. He also uses the heath because it helps create atmosphere and because it is outside he also uses the weather to reflect the characters mood. An example of this is when Rhoda and Gertrude cross the heath to see Conjuror Trendle and Rhoda does not want to and â€Å"would have done anything to escape this enquiry†, the weather and the atmosphere reflect her dread of what will happen. â€Å"The thick clouds made the atmosphere dark†and it was only early after noon and â€Å"the wind howled dismally†. Hardy also uses the weather to help him describe the changing of time like at the beginning of a paragraph. All the gossip was going on in â€Å"winter†and by the end of the paragraph it’s â€Å"in the spring†I think Hardy also uses the changing of the seasons as a sort of metaphor to symbolize the changing of the characters. An example is when Gertrude changes from a very beautiful, perfect, kind and caring girl to a scarred â€Å"irritable superstitious woman†. Hardy also has such large gap in time so the changes in Gertrude are more noticeable. Thomas Hardy also uses characters to help him create mystery and underlying forces especially Rhoda Brook. Rhoda is an outsider and she lives out of the village by herself with her son. She’s a little weird because she never mixes with people. People don’t really mix with her because of her sleeping with Lodge and having a baby. People think she is a witch. I think this is because people associate her with Trendle. When Gertrude needed to find Trendle the villagers told her to ask Rhoda and she realized that they thought â€Å"a sorceress would know the whereabouts of the exorcist†. But the mystery really begins when she has her vision and next day Gertrude shows her the mark from the vision which is on her arm. The vision is an important part of the story as it is the start of everything and caused everything. Rhoda can not control what is happening to so it helps maintain the uncontrollable forces which are all through this book. Thomas Hardy uses Conjuror Trendle a lot to help create mystery and uncontrollable forces. Just the fact that conjuror Trendle lives on the heath starts to make the reader feel a sense of mystery because the heath represents the weirdness or the story. Trendle also helps create mystery by doing magic in secret and not openly â€Å"He did not profess his remedial practises openly†and it also helps that he was in disguise. He was disguised as a dealer in furze , turf sharp sand and other local products†. He had to be disguised because people in that time were very superstitious. I think Thomas Hardy uses Gertrude to help create a sense of uncontrollable forces, this is because things are happening to her mentally and physically which she has no control over. Also because the things that are happening to her are unexplainable, it helps create and maintain malignant uncontrollable forces. Hardy illustrates this physically when her incredible beauty is which is described as â€Å"the light under a heap of rose petals†becomes ruined and scarred by her withered arm; and mentally when she turns from a very nice person to an â€Å"irritable, superstitious woman†Farmer Lodge is not in the story much but none the less is a very important character, because he is the main reason the whole story happens. He is the center of the love triangle of him Rhoda and Gertrude which is why everything happens. As we don’t see him much in the story this makes him more important as it helps add to the mystery. Hardy uses imagery to help the reader mentally see what’s happening and also to symbolise things. An example of this at the beginning of the booking â€Å"the lorn milkmaid†Hardy paint us the picture of a lot of milkmaids all sitting together gossiping. This gives the impression that the village is quite a close knit place and that one Rhoda Brooke is all by herself on the side not joining in this gossiping. This gives the impression that she is a sort of outsider which no one wants to be friends with which adds to the mystery. A very important image in the story is the withered arm. It creates mystery because the reader will wonder how it happened and malignant uncontrollable forces because the reader will wonder if Rhoda really is a witch. The main themes of the story are witch craft and passion. The passion is in the love triangle between Farmer Lodge, Gertrude and Rhoda. The witch craft is in the vision Rhoda sees and the physical and mental change in Gertrude. Passion and witch craft are the uncontrollable forces in the withered arm. I think one of the things Hardy is trying to say in this book is that life can’t always be explained. Thomas Hardy uses many different languages effects. He uses similes and metaphors, to describe Gertrude â€Å"her face as comely as a live doll’s†and her face â€Å"like the light under a heap of rose petals†. Hardy also uses extended imagery when he uses the river outside the executioner’s house to link him to the village, â€Å"it stood close to the same stream†. He also uses personification in describing the river â€Å"the waters of which emitted a steady roar†. Thomas Hardy shows us which characters are â€Å"common†and which aren’t by having the â€Å"common†ones use dialect. The only person not to use dialect is Gertrude. Another important factor in creating and maintaining a sense of mystery and malignant uncontrollable forces was the plot. The vision coming true and Rhoda beginning to doubt herself really draws the reader in to the story. I think it was a very effective ending giving no clear answers like yes, Rhoda was a witch or not or no, it was all a coincidence and leaving it up to the reader. That really helps maintain mystery In conclusion I think that by using the characters, settings and a strange plot, Thomas Hardy successfully creates and maintains mystery and malignant forces in the withered arm.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Michel Foucault Biography and Intellectual History
Michel Foucault Biography and Intellectual History Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was a French social theorist, philosopher, historian, and public intellectual who was politically and intellectually active until his death. He is remembered for his method of using historical research to illuminate changes in discourse over time, and the evolving relationships between discourse, knowledge, institutions, and power. Foucault’s work inspired sociologists in subfields including sociology of knowledge; gender, sexuality and queer theory; critical theory;  deviance and crime; and the sociology of education. His most well-known works include Discipline and Punish, The History of Sexuality, and The Archaeology of Knowledge. Early Life Paul-Michel Foucault was born to an upper-middle-class family in Poitiers, France in 1926. His father was a surgeon, and his mother, the daughter of a surgeon. Foucault attended Lycà ©e Henri-IV, one of the most competitive and demanding high schools in Paris. He recounted later in life a troubled relationship with his father, who bullied him for being â€Å"delinquent.†In 1948 he attempted suicide for the first time and was placed in a psychiatric hospital for a period. Both of these experiences seem tied to his homosexuality, as his psychiatrist believed his suicide attempt was motivated by his marginalized status in society. Both also seem to have shaped his intellectual development and focus on the discursive framing of deviance, sexuality, and madness. Intellectual and Political Development Following high school Foucault was admitted in 1946 to the École Normale Supà ©rieure (ENS), an elite secondary school in Paris founded to train and create French intellectual, political, and scientific leaders. Foucault studied with Jean Hyppolite, an existentialist expert on Hegel and Marx who firmly believed that philosophy should be developed through a study of history; and, with Louis Althusser, whose structuralist theory left a strong mark on sociology and was greatly influential to Foucault. At ENS Foucault read widely in philosophy, studying the works of Hegel, Marx, Kant, Husserl, Heidegger, and Gaston Bachelard. Althusser, steeped in the Marxist intellectual and political traditions, convinced his student to join the French Communist Party, but Foucaults experience of homophobia and incidences of anti-semitism within it turned him off. Foucault also rejected the class-centric focus of Marx’s theory, and never identified as a Marxist. He completed his studies at the ENS in 1951 and then began a doctorate in the philosophy of psychology. For the next several years he taught university courses in psychology while studying the works of Pavlov, Piaget, Jaspers, and Freud; and, he studied relationships between doctors and patients at Hà ´pital Sainte-Anne, where he had been a patient after his 1948 suicide attempt. During this time Foucault also read widely outside of psychology into shared interests with his long-term partner, Daniel Defert, which included works by Nietzsche, Marquis de Sade, Dostoyevsky, Kafka, and Genet. Following his first university post, he worked as a cultural diplomat at universities in Sweden and Poland while completing his doctoral thesis. Foucault completed his thesis, titled â€Å"Madness and Insanity: History of Madness in the Classical Age,†in 1961. Drawing on the work of Durkheim and Margaret Mead, in addition to all of those listed above, he argued that madness was a social construct that originated in medical institutions, that it was distinct from true mental illness, and a tool of social control and power. Published in abridged form as his first book of note in 1964, Madness and Civilization is considered a work of structuralism, strongly influenced by his teacher at ENS, Louis Althusser. This, along with his next two books, The Birth of the Clinic and The Order of Things showcase his historiographical method known as â€Å"archaeology,†which he also used in his later books, The Archaeology of Knowledge, Discipline and Punish and The History of Sexuality. From the 1960s on Foucault held a variety of lectureships and professorships at universities around the world, including the University of California-Berkeley, New York University, and the University of Vermont. During these decades Foucault became known as an engaged public intellectual and activist on behalf of social justice issues, including racism, human rights, and prison reform. He was very popular with his students, and his lectures given after his induction into the Collà ¨ge de France were considered highlights of intellectual life in Paris, and always packed. Intellectual Legacy Foucaults key intellectual contribution was his deft ability to illustrate that institutionslike science, medicine, and the penal systemthrough the use of discourse, create subject categories for people to inhabit, and turn people into objects of scrutiny and of knowledge. Thus, he argued, those who control institutions and their discourses wield power in society, because they shape the trajectories and outcomes of peoples lives. Foucault also demonstrated in his work that the creation of subject and object categories is premised on hierarchies of power among people, and in turn, hierarchies of knowledge, whereby the knowledge of the powerful is considered legitimate and right, and that of the less powerful is considered invalid and wrong. Importantly, though, he emphasized that power is not held by individuals, but that it courses through society, lives in institutions, and is accessible to those who control institutions and the creation of knowledge. He thus considered knowledge and power inseparable, and denoted them as one concept, knowledge/power. Foucault is one of the most widely read and frequently cited scholars in the world.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Golden Lion Tamarin Facts
Golden Lion Tamarin Facts The golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) is a small New World monkey. The tamarin is easily identified by the reddish gold hair that frames its hairless face like a lions mane. Also known as a golden marmoset, the golden lion tamarin is an endangered species. So far, the tamarins have been saved from extinction by captive breeding in zoos and reintroduction into their native habitat. However, the outlook for this species in the wild is grim. Fast Facts: Golden Lion Tamarin Scientific Name: Leontopithecus rosaliaCommon Names: Golden lion tamarin, golden marmosetBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 10 inchesWeight: 1.4 poundsLife Span: 15 yearsDiet: OmnivoreHabitat: Southeastern BrazilPopulation: 3200Conservation Status: Endangered Description The most obvious characteristic of the golden lion tamarin is its colorful hair. The monkeys coat ranges from golden yellow to red-orange. The color comes from carotenoids- pigments in the animals food- and the reaction between sunlight and hair. The hair is longer around the monkeys hairless face, resembling a lions mane. The golden lion tamarin is the largest of callitrichine family, but its still a small monkey. An average adult is about 26 centimeters (10 inches) long and weighs about 620 grams (1.4 pounds). Males and females are the same size. Tamarins have long tails and fingers, and like other New World monkeys, the golden lion tamarin has claws rather than flat nails. New World monkeys, like the tamarin, use elongated fingers with claws to catch and eat prey. Steve Clancy Photography / Getty Images Habitat and Distribution The golden lion tamarin has a tiny distribution range, restricted to 2 to 5 percent of its original habitat. It lives in three small areas of coastal rainforest in southeastern Brazil: Poà §o das Antas Biological Reserve, Fazenda Unio Biological Reserve, and tracts of land set aside for the Reintroduction Program. Golden lion tamarin range. Oona Risnen IUCN Diet Tamarins are omnivores that eat fruit, flowers, eggs, insects, and other small animals. The golden lion tamarin uses its elongated fingers and toes to catch and extract its prey. Early in the day, the monkey feeds on fruit. In the afternoon, it hunts for insects and vertebrates. The golden lion tamarin has a mutualistic relationship with nearly a hundred plants in the forest. The plants offer the tamarins food, and in return, the tamarins disperse seeds, helping regenerate the forest and maintaining genetic variability in the plants. Nocturnal predators hunt the tamarins when they are sleeping. Significant predators include snakes, owls, rats, and wild cats. Behavior Golden lion tamarins live in trees. During the day, they use their fingers, toes, and tails to travel from branch to branch in order to forage. At night, they sleep in tree hollows or dense vines. Each night, the monkeys use a different sleeping nest. Tamarins communicate using a variety of vocalizations. Reproductive males and females communicate using scent to mark territory and suppress reproduction of other troop members. When the dominant female dies, her mate leaves the group, and her daughter becomes the breeding female. Displaced males can enter a new group when another male leaves or by aggressively displacing one. Tamarin groups are highly territorial, defending themselves against other golden lion tamarins in their range. However, the practice of changing sleeping sites tends to prevent overlapping groups from interacting. Reproduction and Offspring Golden lion tamarins live together in groups of 2 to 8 members. A tamarin group is called a troop. Each troop has one breeding pair that mates during the rainy season- usually between September and March. Gestation lasts four and a half months. The female usually gives birth to twins, but can have anywhere from 1 to 4 infants. Golden lion tamarins are born with fur and with their eyes open. All members of the troop carry and care for the infants, while the mother only takes them for nursing. The babies are weaned at three months of age. Females become sexually mature at 18 months, while males mature at 2 years of age. In the wild, most golden lion tamarins live about 8 years, but the monkeys live 15 years in captivity. Conservation Status In 1969, there were only about 150 golden lion tamarins worldwide. In 1984, the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and National Zoological Park in Washington, D.C. started a reintroduction program that involved 140 zoos around the world. However, threats to the species were so severe that the tamarin was listed as critically endangered in 1996, with a total of 400 individuals in the wild. Today, the golden lion tamarin is categorized as endangered on the IUCN Red List, but its population is stable. An assessment in 2008 estimated there were 1,000 mature adults and 3,200 individuals of all ages in the wild. Despite the success of the captive breeding and release program, the golden lion tamarins continue to face threats. The most significant is habitat loss and degradation from residential and commercial development, logging, farming, and ranching. Predators and poachers have learned to identify monkey sleeping sites, affecting the wild population. Golden lion tamarins also suffer from new diseases when they are translocated and from inbreeding depression. Sources Dietz, J.M.; Peres, C.A.; Pinder L. Foraging ecology and use of space in wild golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia). Am J Primatol 41(4): 289-305, 1997.Groves, C.P., Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., eds. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 133, 2005. ISBN 0-801-88221-4.Kierulff, M.C.M.; Rylands, A.B. de Oliveira, M.M. Leontopithecus rosalia. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2008: e.T11506A3287321. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T11506A3287321.enKleiman, D.G.; Hoage, R.J.; Green, K.M. The lion tamarins, Genus Leontopithecus. In: Mittermeier, R.A.; Coimbra-Filho, A.F.; da Fonseca, G.A.B., editors. Ecology and Behavior of Neotropical Primates, Volume 2. Washington DC: World Wildlife Fund. pp. 299-347, 1988.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Twelve Step Program for Writing More and Interneting Less - Freewrite Store
A Twelve Step Program for Writing More and Interneting Less - Freewrite Store Edited: 5/10/2017  They’re coming at you, pressing against your nerves, your sanity, the very bedrock of your existence. Like Huns, Barbarians, or worse,  door-to-door Bible thumpers. Battering down your defenses, kidnapping your kiddies and pillaging your lovely wife. Bang, bang, bang rampaging your gates. You look out, and there they are: your phone notifications.  A chirp, a bing, a whap, foghorn, an â€Å"ahuga††¦ your cellphone is doing its high school drama class interpretation of the legendary Mexican jumping bean. The sucker is practically dancing the Macarena on your desk. â€Å"Dear lord,†you plead with one of your pagan deities, â€Å"please, not today. Not today! I have work to do†¦ Anything but that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ But, still, like that proverbial dog of Pavlovian fame, you sway forward. The siren call of a notification plucks you off the ground by the hair on your chinny-chin-chin. Lifted up, feet skimming soil, the look of a dullard clouding your ADD-sensory overloaded noggin’. Up against your flimsy rampart you go, not wanting to see; down that road lies doom and gloom. Still, your eyes, those traitorous knaves, work of their own accord. Just a peek, you tell yourself. One little, tiny, almost insignificant blink, then back to work. What harm will it do? â€Å"What?!†Your eyes turn into giant fried eggs. A flimsy white bikini, a drop-dead body and an arm, not your own, sliding across a tight belly. â€Å"She didn’t look like that with me! And who’s that?† Your day is hijacked by visions of your ex’s Cancun getaway. Tomorrow, perhaps, a stroll down Gordon Ramsay’s YouTube Channel. The day after, a fact-finding expedition on Hollywood’s fabled divorces. On Friday, a particular Troll calls you out. And so on and so on. Work piles up, doing bivouac constructions all over your office. Well, it’s time to snap out of it! Plain and simple. There’s being laidback, then there’s LAIDBACK. If your cat - who, like all felines, looks permanently stoned - comes over and yells: â€Å"Get up, you deadbeat! Do something!†Then, by all means, you have crossed the line. Time to exorcise those digital demons. Time to go all Chuck Norris on that Pokà ©mon Go free-for-all that has suddenly become the notorious Pikachu on your back. Away into the night Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat and all your cousins. Tisk, tisk, tisk, on that deranged Candy-Crush obsession going all Linda Blair-like on your productivity; green vomit everywhere, head doing the twist and jive, scandalous accusations of your Mother’s Hollywood-Hill like exploits in Hell. It’s time, my friend, to get your s%@t together. The Twelve Steps Step One: Admit you are powerless; your Wi-Fi has you by the throat and your iPhone has a mean right hook. Time to face up to the fact that, unfortunately, you have no self-control. You, like 90% of the population, have been smacked around by this digital age. It’s all out there, one swipe, pinch, toggle away. Procrastination is slowly but methodically being bred into our DNA. We have become cows; fed data, kept in check, happy with grazing the field so long as there’s a tweet by Selene Gomez keeping boredom away. Step Two: Power greater than ourselves: Eat the Frog First. In your sojourns in this topsy-turvy world, you’ll come to the realization that there is a power greater than ourselves. Nope, it’s not God, Krishna, Zeus, or Odin. No, none of those guys. I’m talking about Jobs, Da Vinci, Einstein, Rockefeller, Churchill, Gates, Patton, Twain, and Wilde. The go-getters. Most of them played big, but also did big. The one thing they could all agree on is this: EAT THE FROG FIRST. As soon as you get up, do that one thing that completely sours your mood. That one activity that hangs over your head like a sword. If you don’t, you’ll often lose focus throughout the day. You’ll look at shiny things for hours just to keep that one horrible bastard on the sidelines. Step Three: It’s a sprint, not a marathon. Work in bursts of energy. Make a list of items you have to finish that day, and never try to tackle them all at once. If you try to fight it out with the group, you’ll find yourself bloody and mashed up; beaten to seven shades of â€Å"you know what.†Pick a lone wolf off your list and don’t let go off its leash until you’ve managed to tame it. It may take ten minutes or it may take an hour, but work like a madman on that singular project. After you bury that nasty sucker six-feet under, take the same amount of time to unwind. Rinse and repeat. Step Four: Eliminate distractions. Until you transform into a production-ninja, a task-guru, a job-oriented Svengali, you’ll have the attention span of a gerbil on meth. That’s just how it is, and you’ll have to learn to live with it. Thanks to all your gadgets, you’ve become that annoying kid in your school that drank Coke all day and vibrated in and out of this dimension during lunch time. As such, eliminate all distractions while working. You are an alcoholic, but instead of Jose Cuervo, you get your fix from your iPad. Limit yourself to one window or application on your browser. Turn off your cellphone. Shred, destroy, annihilate your old tasks. Free up space by looking at what you already accomplished and what is just a load of BS. Work someplace that’s akin to that hole they toss prisoners in when they’ve been acting up. You were caught with a shiv, and now it’s time for solitary. Step Five: Zen your zone. A wallet, a home, and an office can tell you a lot about a person. If your wallet has managed to realign your spine, your house looks like it needs a hoarder’s intervention, and your desk has become a biological microenvironment, then it’s time to go to your local 7-11. Get a pack of matches and a jug of gasoline and BBQ that mess. Start fresh and minimalistic. An uncluttered existence is a peaceful existence. Step Six: Handle transitions. Your whole day is filled with a series of tasks; be they kosher or soul crushing. You are jumping from one slippery stone to another. You wake up at the end of one muddy bank, a furious black river before you, and your goal is to get to the other side by nightfall. Or, if you’re a Frogger fan, you are that suicidal toad. Before you dash into the new intersection, or skip onto the other rock, take a moment to breath and get your head on straight. Family life, work life, playtime, downtime, personal time, they all work on different vibes. Take ten to twenty minutes before leaping into a new fray or playground; get your head in order and switch out gears. Step Seven: Do like Bruce. If you find that your mind is getting antsy and wants to skedaddle away, then by all means, accompany it. Like Springsteen, you were Born To Run. Take the Thunderoad but not to your cellphone. Go outside, to the Jungleland, perhaps down those Backstreets, or through the Streets Of Philadelphia. Have, because you can, a Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out. Sit on a bench an ponder the Incident At 57th Street. Think about your Home Town. But, overall, remember to stretch out your legs even if you find yourself by the River, rain falling down on your head Waitin’ on a Sunny Day. Step Eight: Sweat like a superhero. Thirty minutes to an hour’s worth of physical exertion can do wonders for your stress and anxiety, the two naughty ankle-bitters that play havoc with your concentration. High impact aerobic exercise beats these riff-raffs into submission. You’ll discover as you leave your body-fat on the curb that, along with all those fast-food belly deposits, you’ll also catch your cellphone in the rear-view. Or, if running isn’t your thing, then pick-up a hobby that requires brawn instead of brains. It’s a swell time to learn how to play the guitar. Step Nine: Stimulate yourself. Mind out of the gutter! What I mean to say is try to make boring tasks interesting. Studies show that a steady level of just-right stimulation is critical for attention. Too low stimulation means a task is boring. Too high stimulation signifies stress or anxiety. Play some downbeat, relaxing, dare I say, â€Å"elevator music.†Buy a bag of candy and reward yourself every time you finish a task. Take a long lunch break. Talk to your co-workers once an hour. The key is to find your â€Å"zone.†Stimulation is a tricky concept; it boosts your attention but only to a certain point. Once it reaches its zenith, it becomes counterproductive. You start, for example, to play a mean air-guitar solo in your cubicle, disregarding all those slips you have to input on Excel. Step Ten: Self-talk. Get those imaginary pom-poms and cheer yourself to the finish line. Studies have shown- cause somehow, they always do- that whenever you find yourself wavering, whenever you think you won’t make it, the best thing to do is to act like a loon and start talking to yourself. Be your own coach. Repeat after me: â€Å"What do I need to do now?†â€Å"Stay with it; stay with it; stay with it.†â€Å"You’re almost there.†â€Å"You filthy maggot! You disgust me! Put down the phone!†Step Eleven: Tell everybody about your opening night. Here’s a trick: If everybody knows you went out to do something there’s a greater chance that you’ll accomplish it. If you’ve created an expectation, then odds are you’ll fulfill it. There is nothing worse than looking like a loser in front of your family and friends. So, next time you’re trying to check anything off your bucket list, tell someone you’re close to about it. It will generate a sense of accountability. Step Twelve: Keep two to-do lists. The first list is sort of like a diary of thought; write down whatever pops into your brain. Scribble  absolutely every distracting impulse that sizzles a neuron. â€Å"Check Facebook†; â€Å"Tweet this and that†; â€Å"Email friend from high school†; â€Å"Pick up laundry.†This huge tally will help you keep your mind tidy. You’ll no longer feel the need to do everything on the double because you might forget. Write the thoughts down and come back to them after your work. The second list is the important one. This one, this paramount catalogue, should include three items at the most. Those critical pieces that are fundamental for obtaining a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Set three big goals for the day and congratulate yourself when you crush them.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
There are two essays in the information part Coursework
There are two essays in the information part - Coursework Example In management practices culture, communication and team work often form the cog of management, and the correct and positive interpretation and illustration of these translate into effective management. One could state factually that management is a vital human activity, and the fact that people through groups has pushed the increasing need for management. The major focus of this paper is to provide a critical discussion of the assumptions in management theories and models, and their implications in management practice. There are a number of reports showing certain managers who have achieved success in management without being privy to theoretical management knowledge, while on the other hand there are who have been to the highest class in management and even proposed theories in management, yet success in management practice eludes them. This is the paradox of the management theory and practice, underpinned by assumptions. In order to build a discussion on the thesis mentioned above the paper will proceed with an exploration of the assumptions that underpins management practice, but first it is important to understand the meaning of management, in a bid to build clarity in understanding. Management is described as both an art and a science that is used in achieving goals through people, and it is a function that makes sure that people perform roles that have been assigned to them. Hence, managers must ensure productivity and continuous improvement in production or service delivery (Brocklehurst, Grey and Sturdy, 2010). Considered on a wider scale management could be aptly defined as the process of developing and sustaining the environment where people, work in groups, effectively surmount provided aims. In this considered definition, management could draw a variety of meanings. First, managers are individuals who carry on managerial roles of planning, organising, staffing, leading and controlling an
Should Service Learning Be a Requirement for College Graduation Essay
Should Service Learning Be a Requirement for College Graduation - Essay Example In such programs, students work with communities to solve real-life problems, which not only helps them learn their role as citizens but also inject a sense of social responsibility in their minds. Service learning is of two types, which include directly concerned and not directly concerned service learning programs. In directly concerned programs, students are engaged in activities, which are related to the educational major whereas in not directly concerned programs, students need to provide their services in such programs, which have no direct concern with the educational majors of the students. Let us come to the point that whether service learning should be a requirement for college graduation or not. I firmly believe that it should be a part and a requirement for college graduation due to a number of reasons. One of the major reasons is that service-learning programs enhance learning abilities of the students. Such programs not only improve students’ critical thinking an d decision-making abilities but also prepare them for future because students may need to do such work at some point in future. Through participating in such programs, students learn the ways to apply their skills and knowledge to real life problematic situations, which they may encounter in their professional lives. Service learning makes students prepared for their future professional roles and responsibilities. Such programs make students aware of the workplace environment at an early stage, which helps them adjust in any workplace environment in a very short span of time. Such programs enhance personality development of the students and improve their workplace skills and abilities. Service-learning programs allow students to translate their theory learning into practice, which is a very positive aspect of service learning. Service learning not only provides opportunities to the students to get experience of real work but also help them enrich learning and renew communities. Coll eges and universities should maintain such resources, which they can use to provide learning opportunities to the students. Service learning has become a necessity for the success of students in professional life. Today, many of the students struggle when they enter their professional lives because sometimes they are not mentally equipped with the workplace environment that is provided to them and sometimes they take a lot of time being trained for the job. Service learning eliminates all such possibilities by preparing students mentally for work. One more thing, for which service learning seems essential at college level, is that it enables students identify the roles, which they will need to play in society in future. When students engage in community activities, they become aware of their social roles and responsibilities in a very young stage of life. It is a fact that a society can sustain its existence only if its citizens, both young and adults, are aware of their roles in th e society. Service-learning programs serve this purpose very well. Opponents of service learning say that such programs are unnecessary because they are not relevant to the educational majors of the students. They say that sometimes students who have selected management as their major are selected for the service-learning programs in which they have to take care of patients is the hospitals. Similarly,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Lochgelly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Lochgelly - Essay Example ve on the economy of Fife, the costs of the project and the long-term benefits of such a project, the effectiveness of a front end development process which has been recommended, and finally the report s attempts to make useful recommendations regarding the scope of improvement of the developmental housing project in Lochgelly. The report covers the main factors which have helped to create the decision of the stakeholders with respect to the strategic housing development initiative in Scotlands Lochgelly. The National Planning Framework for Scotland has identified that the region of Scotland called Fife has tremendous potential for housing development. Not only is the place connected to Dundee and Edinburgh, the region is expected to have a huge population growth is coming 20 years. Exactly, about 11% growth in population is expected by the year 2031. Therefore, the General Register Office has made a plan where it requires more than 35,000 new homes to be built in the next 20 years. Since Lochgelly is a place located in Fife which is expected to be one of the hotbeds of developments in Fife, it is quite natural that the stakeholders would be having a lot of interest in housing projects in Lochgelly. Although Lochgelly was very well developed prior to 2004, after the coal mines closed, the town saw a decline in population and economic growth. The town has links with the roads in the south; it is also connected to by train tracks to Dundee and Edinburgh. On the side of the town, there are vast stretches of natural beauty. The structure Plan of 2006-2026 by the Fife Board has identified land locations in Lochgelly for building 1750 houses within the next 20 years. This development project will not only improve the economic condition, but it will also improve the job opportunities in the town of Lochgelly. During a housing development project, the engagement of stakeholders is of prime importance. The standards and structure plan has provided framework for the
Lowering The Legal Age of Drinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Lowering The Legal Age of Drinking - Essay Example The considerable level of fatal road accident mitigation is one of the potential advantages of the higher drinking age. A study by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that higher drinking ages could save approximately 22,798 lives on American roadways from 1975 to 2003 (msn). Concerned officials say that teens are more unlikely to use seatbelts or helmets when they drink. Likewise, there is a close relationship between teenage drinking and gun/gang crimes. Hence, the lowering of MLDA may adversely affect the country. The MLDA lowering supporters commonly say, â€Å"If you are old enough to go to war, you should be old enough to drink†or â€Å"the drinking –age law just increases the desire for the forbidden fruit†. The military largely recruits youngsters mainly because they can be easily molded t into efficient soldiers. However, the act of recruiting youngsters for the military does not mean that they have grown enough to drink. Scientific stu dies clearly state that drinking is dangerous to teenagers as they are still in the stages of physical and mental development (Mulligan, 25-26). The drunken teenagers are more likely to take risks and that would lead them to dangers. Researches show that when some states had fixed the MLDA as 18, teenagers in those states in between 18 and 21 drank more and liked to drink more as adults. In contrast, youngsters drank less in their early 20s when the states in which they involved had 21 as their MLDA. In the opinion of Gaither (2008), the frustrating impacts of underage drinking range from academic failure to robbery. A person under 21 may not have completed his academic studies. Psychological studies warn that drinking habit would distract the teenagers’ interest from academic studies. In addition, alcohol substances are capable of stimulating risky sexual behaviors, especially of teens. Hence, the lowering of MLDA from 21 also seems to be an issue of public safety and national interests.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Individual reflective report on business plan Essay
Individual reflective report on business plan - Essay Example The business plan was to be graded according to a rubric; thus, this rubric was considered to be a tool aimed at facilitating the consistency in grading assignment (Martinez, Wells, Peterson, Hannigan, & Stevenson, 2008, 19). Therefore, we took the rubric as the criteria of working on the business plan in order to ensure that it met expected level of quality for the purpose of grading. There were a lot of things that I learnt in the experience from this team work; for instance, I learnt that the team assignment is divided to be assigned to members. I also came to lean than the team leader ensures that member is assigned to the section that they are comfortable with. This was by letting the members decide the section that they were to tackle. I also learnt that there should be a separate section of compiling, editing, proofreading, revising, and submitting (Martinez, Wells, Peterson, Hannigan, & Stevenson, 2008, 19). There was to be one of our members who were to concentrate on this s ection, hence, this was facilitating the covering of all the section of the business plan and work to be credited appropriately. I also learnt the importance of setting dates for checking on the progress with the other members. We used online workspace for updating one another on various tasks of the projects. This helped us to maintain the cohesiveness of the team and ensure that everyone is still doing what was expected. I also learnt that there is the importance in setting the dates for submitting the drafts and the final work for each team member. We also used the time frame for gathering the feedback and ideas from the members before the business plan was finally compiled together. We also ensured that we had enough time for proofreading the business plan before submitting. 2. Process of Idea Initiation: Ideas initiation process began with a stage where members were oriented to the task of coming up with a business plan in a way that created awareness regarding objectives of th e team. Member held a discussion, which was focused on the scope of the task and the approach to undertaking the task (Belbin, 2012, 1). Proceeding to the next stage in the process, members were expected to present their ideas regarding any form of a business plan. In fact, this stage required members to be engaged into a brainstorming session, whereby all the ideas from members were acknowledged. Moreover, they were expected to bend their feeling and attitudes in order to deal with the task that was to be undertaken by the team (Belbin, 2012, 1). On the other hand, members were offered a chance to gather reasonable information regarding any company’s employees, partners, associates, and customers. Nevertheless, during this stage I gained understanding of the performance stage, whereby team members are offered a chance to develop their capacity and interdependence, social skills, and personal relations (Belbin, 2012, 1). Furthermore, this session facilitated development of ab ility to convey ideas and it also assisted the members of the team to acknowledge each member’s contribution. On the other hand, coming up with the business idea required extensive research in the internet in order to gather relevant information; in fact, this facilitated completion of this business plan. This stage gave me the skills to be able to finding journals articles, books, and websites that could provide the relevant information for the research (Martinez, Wells, Peterson, Hannigan, & Stevenson,
Discuss healthcare systems organizational structure, financing, Assignment
Discuss healthcare systems organizational structure, financing, mission, vision, philosophy, and values - Assignment Example ciety as a whole and how the overall healthcare system is linked with other sectors of the economy to support and bolster the overall good of the society. (Skolnik, 2012, p.52) It is therefore clearly established that the overall goals, mission and vision of a healthcare system shall be focused upon delivering good health and generating and allocating financial resources fairly. The financial resources of the healthcare system therefore either are generated through the public funds or through public-private partnership arrangements along with self-funding through patients. It is however, critical to understand that overall organizational structure can also result into the restriction of the access to the healthcare providers. (Andersen, Vedsted, Olesen, Bro, & Ndergaard,2011). The concept of gatekeeping into the overall organizational structure of healthcare system is resulting into a change in the overall relationship between the healthcare providers and the patients. Since one of the components of the organizational structure is service delivery it is therefore critical that organizational structure shall not be the restricting factor in the overall delivery of efficient and effective healthcare services to the patients. Andersen, R. S., Vedsted, P., Olesen, F., Bro, F., & Ndergaard, J. S. (2011). Does the organizational structure of health care systems influence care-seeking decisions?A qualitative analysis of Danish cancer patients’ refl ections on care-seeking. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Individual reflective report on business plan Essay
Individual reflective report on business plan - Essay Example The business plan was to be graded according to a rubric; thus, this rubric was considered to be a tool aimed at facilitating the consistency in grading assignment (Martinez, Wells, Peterson, Hannigan, & Stevenson, 2008, 19). Therefore, we took the rubric as the criteria of working on the business plan in order to ensure that it met expected level of quality for the purpose of grading. There were a lot of things that I learnt in the experience from this team work; for instance, I learnt that the team assignment is divided to be assigned to members. I also came to lean than the team leader ensures that member is assigned to the section that they are comfortable with. This was by letting the members decide the section that they were to tackle. I also learnt that there should be a separate section of compiling, editing, proofreading, revising, and submitting (Martinez, Wells, Peterson, Hannigan, & Stevenson, 2008, 19). There was to be one of our members who were to concentrate on this s ection, hence, this was facilitating the covering of all the section of the business plan and work to be credited appropriately. I also learnt the importance of setting dates for checking on the progress with the other members. We used online workspace for updating one another on various tasks of the projects. This helped us to maintain the cohesiveness of the team and ensure that everyone is still doing what was expected. I also learnt that there is the importance in setting the dates for submitting the drafts and the final work for each team member. We also used the time frame for gathering the feedback and ideas from the members before the business plan was finally compiled together. We also ensured that we had enough time for proofreading the business plan before submitting. 2. Process of Idea Initiation: Ideas initiation process began with a stage where members were oriented to the task of coming up with a business plan in a way that created awareness regarding objectives of th e team. Member held a discussion, which was focused on the scope of the task and the approach to undertaking the task (Belbin, 2012, 1). Proceeding to the next stage in the process, members were expected to present their ideas regarding any form of a business plan. In fact, this stage required members to be engaged into a brainstorming session, whereby all the ideas from members were acknowledged. Moreover, they were expected to bend their feeling and attitudes in order to deal with the task that was to be undertaken by the team (Belbin, 2012, 1). On the other hand, members were offered a chance to gather reasonable information regarding any company’s employees, partners, associates, and customers. Nevertheless, during this stage I gained understanding of the performance stage, whereby team members are offered a chance to develop their capacity and interdependence, social skills, and personal relations (Belbin, 2012, 1). Furthermore, this session facilitated development of ab ility to convey ideas and it also assisted the members of the team to acknowledge each member’s contribution. On the other hand, coming up with the business idea required extensive research in the internet in order to gather relevant information; in fact, this facilitated completion of this business plan. This stage gave me the skills to be able to finding journals articles, books, and websites that could provide the relevant information for the research (Martinez, Wells, Peterson, Hannigan, & Stevenson,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Economic Impacts of the National Transportation Safety Board on the Term Paper
Economic Impacts of the National Transportation Safety Board on the Airline Industry - Term Paper Example There were 21 recommendations in between 2006 and 2008 to this center to addresses the management to conduct more accident investigations and studies related to the safety of air-travels (Dillingham, 1). The NTSB training center follows cutting-edge management practices, conducts investigations after accidents and studies for safety measures. NTSB also studies the usages of the Information Technology can help the aircrafts avoid these fatalities and losses. The organization (NTSB) has staff strength of over 400. The budget of the organization is approximately $100 million (at present). It is in charge of each and every civil aircrafts accident in the United States. It has a training center, which was opened in 2003. The training center provides training for the investigators of the organization, as well as other professionals attached to safety of transportation (Dillingham, 1). This study will reflect upon the impact of NTSB on the Airplane Industry Findings of NTSB on an Airplane C rash: US Air flight 427 operated by USAir crashed near Aliquippa (Pennsylvania) on the 8th of September 1994. It was an aircraft of the type Boeing 737-300. NTSB collected data for the air-crash. The total team of NTSB examined the spot and took a couple of years to arrive at the conclusion. It was found that no evidence of any explosion or collision with bird occurred (Walters and Robert, 5-9). Moreover, no trace of in-flight fire was found. Due to bad weather a lot of information went missing. However, the parts of the aircraft and the engine were working with efficiency till before the hazard (as per the research conducted by the NTSB investigators). The investigators conducted computer generated simulations due to lack of apt evidences. NTSB and NASA aerodynamics experts created a wake turbulence model and concluded that under atmospheric conditions that evening caused the havoc. The wake vortices probably had descended to approximately 300 and 500 feet every minute Additionally , NTSB also found that this turbulence had led to the crash of three other air carriers over the years ranging from 1964 to 1972 (Walters and Robert, 5-9). Role of NTSB in Shaping Aviation Industry and Economy (last 20 years): NTSB has already introduced a bill which will reauthorize the Aviation Administration in the United States. It has implemented fully the three management recommendations given in the earlier meetings by the congress (as of April 2008) (Dillingham, 5). The recommendations in the bill are listed below: (1) To facilitate proper channel of communication between staff and management, (2) To align the structure of the organization and to implement the strategic plans, and (3) To rectify the Anti-deficiency Act Violation pertaining to the purchase of accidental death and the dismemberment insurance towards the employees who meet with such accidents while on official duties. In addition, NTSB has progressed on the seven proposed recommendations (management) since the year 2008. NTSB has initiated sending report to the Congress the status of the recommendations and the actions taken thereafter. Moreover, NTSB has started taking steps to implement all three IT-related recommendations of the Congress (Dillingham, 5). NTSB has learned by researching over many years that the various organizations input unique perspective as well as knowledge during the investigative process. The pilots who fly the airplanes know the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Milgram Obedience Review Essay Example for Free
Milgram Obedience Review Essay Obedience is as basic an element in the structure of social life as one can point to. Some system of authority is a requirement of all communal living, and it is only the person dwelling in isolation who is not forced to respond, with defiance or submission, to the commands of others. For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained behavior tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and moral conduct. The dilemma inherent in submission to authority is ancient, as old as the story of Abraham, and the question of whether one should obey when commands conflict with conscience has been argued by Plato, dramatized in Antigone, and treated to philosophic analysis in almost every historical epoch. Conservative philosophers argue that the very fabric of society is threatened by disobedience, while humanists stress the primacy of the individual conscience. The legal and philosophic aspects of obedience are of enormous import, but they say very little about how most people behave in concrete situations. I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority was pitted against the subjects strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation. This is from perils of obedience by Stanley milgram. I enjoyed this article.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Teen Pregnancy Essay -- Teenage Mothers
In the US, teen pregnancy rates have been decreasing in the last decade even though current rates remain twice as high as those found in other industrialized nations (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1994). In spite of decreasing rates, among African American teenagers, the pregnancy rate is particularly high. In 1996, the pregnancy rate was 178.9 per thousand among African-American females aged 15 to 19 years, compared with a pregnancy rate of 82.6 among whites (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1999). Additionally, on the basis of the findings of the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth, it was determined that African American females (48%) aged 15 to 17 were more likely than their white (34%) counterparts to have had sexual intercourse since menarche. On the basis of information provide by the National Center for Health Statistics (1997), African-American females aged 15 to 19 were more likely than their white peers to have had their first sexual experience (i.e., intercourse) without u sing effective contraception (24% versus 14%, respectively). Consequently, on the basis of such risky behavior, African American teenagers are at greater risk than their white peers for experiencing a pregnancy. pregnant, especially if it was with the baby's father. A concluded by Harris, most of the mothers believed that sexual intercourse was a behavior they were going to continue to engage in, regardless of threat of disease or pregnancy. As compared to the adolescent fathers participating in the study, Harris reported that most of the fathers indicated that they were now engaging in protected sex. Environmental Influences As many have suggested, while engagement in unprotected sexual intercourse at an early age places adolescents at risk for pregnancy, there are a number of other factors that influence African American teen pregnancy rates. According to Dervarics (2004), African American teen mothers and fathers are often represented among the rising number of minority "disconnected" youth in the US. This group is comprised of teens ages 16 to 19 who are both out of school and out of work. Dervarics reported that nearly A quarter of African Americans ages 18 to 19 falls into the disconnected category. As a consequence of being disconnected, as explained by the author, African Amer... ...with poverty. It is these issues that attention must be directed towards in order to reduce teen pregnancy rates. References Alan Guttmacher Institute. (1994). Sex and America's teenagers. NY: The Alan Guttmacher Institute. Alan Guttmacher Institute. (1999). Teenage pregnancy: Overall trends and state-by-state information. NY: The Alan Guttmacher Institute. Dervarics, C. (2005). Minorities overrepresented among America's 'disconnected' youth. Population Reference Bureau. Found online at: /ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=11335 Lardner, J. (2005). Arline Geronimus on teen parenthood. Inequality.Org. Found online at: National Center for Health Statistics. (1997). Fertility, family planning, and women's health: New data from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Effects of Racial Prejudice Essay -- Race Segregation African American
Effects of Racial Prejudice The effects of racial prejudice and segregation aimed at African Americans in the south on their lives and opportunities were deep-seeded and long lasting. The effects of segregation were perhaps the most destructive because they were legal and above-board. These laws illustrated to the African American population that their struggle was not limited to battling the backward notions and violent actions of cowardly southern rednecks, but that they had to overcome the mentality and ideology of a national government and, in fact, an entire society, that was failing to recognize them as citizens worthy of the basic rights and freedoms to which they were entitled as Americans. Proper and equal education was probably the opportunity that was most blatantly infringed upon by segregation. This probably also dealt one of the most devastating blows to the Movement, simply because it occurred on such a fundamental level in such a critical stage. Young minds were taught at an early and impressionable age to accept unquestioningly separation and inequality between themselves and their white counterparts. The employment of primarily Uncle Tom principles and teachers was intended to insure that ideas of freedom and equality did not make their way into the classroom. Education was only one of the many opportunities that blacks were not afforded because of white prejudice. Even after African Americans gained the right to vote, most were still kept from the polls through the use of threats, violence, and unfair polling and testing procedures and policies. This had the crippling effect of denying African Americans a voice in their future and that of their country. It further alienated them from society an... ... the well being of her family. Perhaps most of all, she knew rage. She had felt the choking anger brought by watching young blacks beaten to near death in the streets. She knew the frustration of working within a system that Scontinued to oppress her people. She experience the despair of losing leaders like Medgar Evers and J.F.K., whose presence alone had held the promise of change. She felt the guilt and heartache of losing loved ones who had done no wrong and the anger of seeing justice unserved time and time again. Coming of Age in Mississippi defines an era and a people through the eyes of a girl who lived through it and overcame it. It tells of her struggles, her triumphs, and her failures. Through her experiences and the experiences of those around her, it illustrates the impact of prejudice and discrimination on the African Americans of that period.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Legal Ethics Healthcare Essay
The legal concept of vicarious liability and the Doctrine of Respondeat Superior occurs when the employee commits a tort or civil wrong within the scope of employment and the employer is held liable although the master may have done nothing wrong( Regan 2002). Physicians and other healthcare providers need to be aware of this doctrine in the supervision of their staff and their day-to-day medical practice. The legal relationship between an employer and an employee is called agency. The employer is called the principal when engaging someone to act for him. The person who does the work for the employer is called the agent. The theory behind respondeat superior is that the principal controls the agent’s behavior and must then assume some responsibility for the agent’s actions (Phelps & Lehman 2005). Most medical malpractice suits are filed as result of negligence (ie, a type of tort or civil wrong) – Negligence is defined by what a reasonably prudent person would or would not do in the same or similar circumstance. Negligence can result from the individual medical provider or from some type of agency relationship that exists between two or more health care providers. In general, when we discuss the relationship between agency and malpractice, we refer to the concept of vicarious liability and the Doctrine of Respondeat Superior ( Columbia 2000). In the context of medical malpractice a negligence action is often precipitated by a bad outcome. Numerous cases have involved the concept of vicarious liability and the Doctrine of Respondeat Superior as a successful cause of a medically negligent action. Recent changes in the health care system may contribute to additional causes of action being recognized. As managed care has moved to the forefront of health care, many medical providers have left independent practice and become employees of large health care organizations (HMOs) or hospitals. Some medical providers have formed their own business with health care extenders who perform many of the services previously provided by the medical provider. As a result, HMOs and hospitals have become employers of medical providers, and medical providers have become employers of their health care extenders (Regan 2002). In the past, the relationship with the patient and extensive documentation in the medical record were the most important elements in preventing malpractice litigation. These efforts, while important, may have less of an effect in the evolving health care climate. With these changes, principles of agency and vicarious liability may become increasingly important in evaluating malpractice liability. Both the negligence of a health care employee employed by an individual medical provider and the negligence of an individual medical provider employed by a health care company have given rise to successful malpractice suits. The Doctrine of Respondeat Superior is one to weigh carefully by both plaintiffs and defendants in their current practice of law and medicine. References: Malpractice. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 2000. Raines v Mercer, 55 5W2d 263, 264 (Tenn 1932) Regan, J. , & Regan, W. (2002, May). Medical malpractice and respondeat superior. (Review Articles). Southern Medical Journal, 95(5), 545-549. Retrieved January 23, 2013, from Nursing and Allied Health Collection via Gale: Respondeat Superior. (2005). In S. Phelps & J. Lehman (Eds.), West’s Encyclopedia of American Law (2nd ed., Vol. 8, pp. 334-336). Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Swimming: An Important Life Skill
An Important Life Skill Swimming is a very important and necessary life skill to have; for this reason it should be included in part of the wellness curriculum at Negotiation High School. If a person has the proper knowledge of life saving skills/techniques, he or she will be able to save his or her own life as well as other people. Swimming is also an abundant way of exercise. Lastly, it is a pleasurable activity. Did you know that 3,400 people drown in the US per year? Imagine being one of those people.Even if it may not be fast, competitive swimming, basic skills are necessary for survival. If you have the ability to be resourceful and can float for a couple minutes you have the power to save your own life. Lifesaving is another crucial skill to have. When someone is close to drowning, he or she might only have a few moments to live. Within those moments, if a person who has been trained in lifesaving skills, he or she would be able to save the drowning victim. When doing so it is important not to make physical contact with the victim or else he or she might take the rescuer down with him or her.The swimming unit in wellness teaches us how to do so. It also instructs us on the cautions one should take while saving an unconscious victim so it does not result in the victim's neck snapping. Swimming is also a great way of exercise. It does not wear out the Joints so people can use this as a method of exercise even when they become elderly. It is an excellent way to stay in decent physical condition throughout the years. With other sports, people tend to have to give up playing since it often results in Joints starting to ache and wear down. This leads to people having to get urge.With swimming, this is a factor that people are not concerned with since joints are never strained. It can also be a pleasurable activity. If your friends all decided to go to the beach and you were the only one who did not know how to swim, most likely, you would not end up having a g reat time. Learning Just the basic skills of swimming can prevent you from having a bad time at the beach, for instance. There are many sports you can play in the water if competitive swimming is not an enjoyable activity in your opinion. This list of sports include: water polo, volleyball,Frisbee, etc. It can be inferred that swimming is a very imperative skill to know. It can be used to save another person's life or your own life with a few simple techniques and strokes. Swimming, correspondingly, is an amazing way to exercise and stay in shape through the course of a lifetime since it does not wear out Joints like most other sports do. In conclusion, it is also a great leisure activity. These are Just a few of the ample amount of reasons why swimming is a very important course and should be part of the wellness curriculum at Negotiation High School. By Mauritania
The Effect of Biological and Nonbiological Material
The Effect of Biological and Nonbiological Material on the Reaction to a Changing pH Level This experiment was conducted to learn exactly how biological material responds to rising or dropping pH levels in comparison to how nonbiological material does. The dependent variable in this experiment was how the different materials react, and the independent variable was the type of material, biological or nonbiological. Tap water was the selected nonbiological material, and the generally known pH level for water is 7, or neutral. Potato homogenate, liver homogenate and egg white solution was used as the biological material. A buffer solution that serves as a model of a biological material’s chemical that helps it carry out homeostasis was also used in the experiment, being tested in the same manner as the other materials. This topic was tested in order to confirm a tissue’s biological chemical processes, presence of buffers, and their ability to maintain its needed pH level for normal function. For actually conducting the experiment, each material was measured out into 25 mL and put into a beaker to be measured for its pH level with pH paper. Then five drops hydrochloric acid was added to the beaker with a 0. 1M dropper, and then the pH level was measured again. This process was repeated until a total of 30 drops of HCl was added to the beaker. Each material was tested in this way, and then the same was done with each material, only adding sodium hydroxide with five drops at a time as well, measuring the pH level each time in between with pH paper. If both biological and nonbiological material are treated in the same way with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide to raise or lower the pH level, then the biological material will have less of a change in its pH level, because its biological tissues have natural chemical processes that regulate the pH level. If a chemical solution that is a model of a biological buffer is treated with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide to raise or lower the pH level, then it will stay generally the same pH level as its start, because a buffer’s purpose is to regular the pH level of a biological material.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Management accounting - Essay Example It includes a proper comparison of the roles that are performed by management accounting with those that are performed by financial accounting. An appropriate definition of ‘management accounting’ is provided by Institute of Management Accountants. According to this institute, management accounting is the process through which financial information is identified, measured, accumulated, analyzed, prepared, interpreted and communicated to the management who then use these information for the purpose of planning, evaluating and controlling the operations of the firm (Siegel and Shim, Accounting handbook). Management accounting helps in preparing financial reports for various non-management groups like tax authorities and regulatory agencies. In simple words management accounting is such an accounting system that helps an organization and its management to plan, control and make effective decisions. Financial accounting, on the other side, is all about maintenance of record, classification and summarization of financial transactions. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has clearly defined the term ‘financial accounting’. As per this definition, financial accounting is referred to the art of recording, categorizing as well as summarizing the events and transactions that includes at least one financial character. Three of the basic functions of financial accounting are recording, categorizing and summarizing (Kesavan et al. Engineering Economics and Financial Accounting). According to Vijayakumar, financial accounting and management accounting are the two important branches of accounting and as a consequence they are interrelated. He also opined that management accounting, to a great extent, is the rearrangement of data that arise out of the practice of financial accounting. However, there are several points or aspects where significant differences can be found between these two branches of accounting. Each of these
Monday, October 7, 2019
European Enlightenment and Modern Schooling Essay
European Enlightenment and Modern Schooling - Essay Example These philosophers also felt that if people were left free to use their powers of reason, they would act in ways that would improve their society, as they were inherently good. Accordingly, both human contentment and righteousness needed their liberty from unnecessary restraints, the majority of which were fostered on them by the church as well as the state. The advocates of the Enlightenment's categorical opposition to institutional monarchy and organised religion showed their contempt for the institutions that ruled the masses ruthlessly in the past, as well as a tendency to support utopian restructuring schemes. Most of these philosophers believed keenly in human development through education. They believed that the society would grow perfect if its citizens were free to make use of their powers of reason. The two primary characteristics of the beliefs of the Enlightenment were: Belief in human wisdom’s capacity to discard the conventional practices and the pre-established establishments Ideas the development of useful, functional information as the power to manage and preserve nature. Education in the Past In the past, education in Europe was always influenced by the competition and conflict between different religious denominations. The Catholic Counter-Reformation and the protestant reformation are cases that verify this reality in a better manner. Religious principles supported the education of a chosen few during the middle ages. During the Renaissance, however, additional reasons were included as a means of educating more citizens. For instance, the development of the economies of cities in Italy in the fifteenth century required that many children receive instruction regarding secular life. Previously, the... This essay approves that The characteristics of research studies are quite similar to those of the disputation. The reporting is conducted in public, and the laws governing the examinations state that the student has to have conducted the research or at least took part in it. The research standards for the delivery of the work are also objective as well as explicit. This report makes a conclusion that the principles of the Enlightenment came from belief in the abilities of human reason to resolve, by means of scientific advancement and education, the difficulties facing humanity and, thereby, change society. In the 18th century, the advocates of the Enlightenment fought against the established institutions in British society to get their ideas to be recognised. A large number were incarcerated, while others were hindered by government suppression activities, as well as by the attacks from the church. However, by the 1770s, second-generation ideals were getting government funds and taking control of recognised intellectual institutions of education. The massive increase in the production of books as well as newspapers ensured an extensive diffusion of the Enlightenment concepts. Philosophical dissertations and methodical experiments grew to be fashionable in all classes of society, including elements of the clergy and the nobility. A majority of European monarchs also began to tout definite ideas, or at least the expressions of the Enlightenment. They were not genuine, knowing that the Enlightenment would spell the beginning of the end for them.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Media Management - Event Planning Event Planning Essay
Media Management - Event Planning Event Planning - Essay Example INTRODUCTION The marketing is the need of every small and large business in today’s world of globalization. The emergence of social media and online bloggers has allowed businesses to market online at low cost. The businesses are taking full advantage of this cheap way of marketing. The options for market a product through different mediums depends on the size and budget of the company (Smith, and Zook, 2011). Nowadays, the perfect competition is prevailing in all the local markets and this intensity of competition made necessity for every local business to create marketing or promotional strategies to stay in the market with handsome profits and differentiated brand image. The event marketing is one of the best suited marketing tools for local area advertising because it directly targets the market of local area community. Most of the events are developed to get the attention of media. Companies want media to talk about them from time to time to publicize the business. Once t he local business gets succeeded in gaining media attention then it would become easy for the local business to create its unique brand image among all the local competitors (Kotler, and Keller, 2009). Event Development (The event is named as a â€Å"Cultural Evening†): The Wild Affair is a big chain of restaurants and the company is now introducing another restaurant in the new local market by creating an event in the area for targeting the local area customers. People that are living in the local area belong to different cultures so the event is organized by considering all the small and large communities living in the area. The event is designed under the consideration of cross-culture function of the society. The event will be arranged in the hall in order to attract large audience. The restaurant has the specialty in 18 different countries foods. So especially for the event the restaurant is designed or decorated with 18 different cultural themes to represent the food av ailability of 18 countries. Every country is represented by its national culture theme or with a small setup with waiters in wearing cultural dresses of each country. The core concept is to position the restaurant and create awareness of its offerings. The culture creates an emotional attachment with the customers. The company wants to connect the emotional attachment with its customer by providing them their cultural environment. Cultural values and cultural food has created a feeling in the consumer’s mind that he/she is serving in its own country. This idea of serving the cultural food with cultural values has made an emotional bonding with customers. This bonding will create the customer loyal to the brand. The restaurant has some additional attractive services as well that are customizing food according to the mood of the customer, additional top-ups and add-ons with the meals. Another perception for the event created is that the company is combining all the communities of the area under the one roof to unite them. This perception can be called as Societal Marketing concept. Alignment of Company’s Mission and Target Audience with the Event: The company’s strategy is to target each community individually and show respect for each community’s culture present in the society. The company has covered all the communiti
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Benefits of Video Games Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Benefits of Video Games - Research Paper Example Most institutions have installed computer laboratories to help their students to catch with the technology demanded by the contemporary job environment. Along this technology stands the gaming technology that continues to evolve and to become the favourite of many young students. In the invention of new video gaming technology, it was a mere source of entertainment that people could indulge to spend their luxury time. However, research has revealed that the value of video games in the life of learners has been ignored as these games can have both positive and negative impacts in their learning. Research points out that there is need for reconsideration of the application of video games in the life of learners both in their homes and in the school environment. Understanding the impact of video games on the learners learning will help to develop a strategy on which the negative effects can be eliminated and the positive can be optimized. Specifically, it will be possible to incorporate this technology in the learning environment and enhance the learners’ abilities. In this light, there is need to investigate the best approach to integrate computer aided video games in the curriculum. Video games have both physical and psychological impacts on the life of individual and this may affect their learning behaviour. Obradovic (2002) identifies that video games have had negative impacts on learners owing to the addictive behaviours that comes along their usage. As entertainment tools, video games are attractive and are addictive to their users statistics indicate that over 92% of children aged between 4 and 17 years have access to computer games and are likely to be addicts of playing these games. Addiction is the source of the negative impacts of the learning needs of the students. First, addiction comes about when a student spends
Friday, October 4, 2019
TopShop - The Marketing Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
TopShop - The Marketing Story - Essay Example Fashion customers are ever demanding for something new, original and creative for a marketer it is very tough and demanding to provide for. TopShop a leading UK chain of fashion clothing and accessories which caters for this need for the highly fashion conscious market. This store has risen to cult status and is one leading brand name in high street fashion. What makes TopShop click? TopShop implements aggressive marketing strategies. It is constantly there in the minds of people. The positioning is extremely strong. Marketing strategies have to be designed and modified according to the market conditions.This is required for the success of the strategies. We are going to analyse the designing and implementation of various marketing strategies as per the changing external environment. Let us look into history of TopShop. TopShop was launched in 1964. It is a branch of Arcadia group. It started with a concept of high end fashion. Today TopShop doesn’t attract only high end shopp ers. It is a fashion destination for ramp and catwalk fashion seekers as well. It is an excellent example of high end meets catwalk. The flagship store is located at oxford circus with a whopping 90,000 square feet area where the daily footfall is 200 000 and more customers and almost more than half of them shop something or the other in the other. Marketing Strategies implemented by TopShop: 1. Logic of high end meets catwalk: Catwalk fashion is inaccessible, not wearable and expensive for a common fashion seeker. Combining the cost and the cuts makes TopShop click. This enables to provide for maximum fresh looks in a given season for the shop and increases sales. 2. Cost: TopShop costs are perfectly balanced, not being cheap and not being expensive either. 3. All in one shopping experience: TopShop provides accessories, bags, shoes, etc. under one roof. For men’s shopping it provides game zones, relaxing zones etc. So shopping is not perceived as a cumbersome and compulsory activity as usually perceived by men. 4. Supply matching with the demand: Fashion marketer needs to cater the market at a top speed. TopShop keeps pace with the demand by aggressive supply to the shops and chain it has set up. 5. Personalised services: TopShop has set up personalised advisors for guiding fashion seekers. Topshop takes pride in the fact that these style advisors are like walking catalogues on the shop and are available for help. 6. Celebrity branding: TopShop has always roped in celebrities like Kate Moss, Beyonce, Victoria Beckham for its promotion adding to the glamour quotient of the shop 7. Supporting new designers: TopShop supports upcoming designers to showcase their work. This gives the shop an advantage of setting new trends in the market with fresh cheerful designs PEST Analysis for TopShop This analysis is used for analysing external factors affecting an organization. All the marketing strategies mentioned above have helped TopShop set up in the domestic e nvironment. As confirmed by SWOT analysis and life cycle curve, TopShop now needs to look beyond the national boundaries. TopShop with its aggressive expansion plan has already stated that it intends to move abroad for an excellent growth opportunity. Let us analyse TopShop’s current marketing strategies with respect to the external environment of emerging economies where TopShop is set to expand: 1. Political factors: Description: For business to survive, sustain and grow a stable political environment is required. The degree on intervention a government will have in businesses and economy also makes a difference for the business. Political decisions make or mar the businesses. What is also needed to be seen is the development of infrastructure and education of the workforce, both directly connected with the political factor in PESTEL affecting businesses. UK: Political environment is stable. TopShop has seen various governments coming from the headquarters of Conservative o r Labour Party. However the government has managed to provide excellent
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