Saturday, August 31, 2019
Reflective Account Essay
A new little boy started recently in nursery, as he entered nursery i bent down, smiled giving him eye contact i then said hello using his name and told him mine and he smiled back. He had never been to nursery before and he was very excited and had no awareness of the daily routine. i calmly held out my hand and he held out his. holding each others hands i showed him where his name card was, he picked up his name card and we walked over to the self-registration board. i asked him what he would like to play with and he chose to play with the cars. but during his play he become very upset because he wanted to play with the red car and another child had the red car. so i bent down and placed my arm around him and asked to look at me. Tears were rolling down his face and i explained to him that when the other child had finished playing with the red car he would be able to have a turn. i then sat down next to him to take turns in using the garage and sharing the cars. During the session i continued to support him, during lunch time and throughout the session. On occasions when he was unsure of what to do we went over to the routine board and talked him through the pictures so he knew what was happening next. Reflection I felt that i reassured him by letting him know who i was and at all times i made sure i gained his attention by using his name and ensure that he was listening by making sure we gained eye contact before speaking. I helped him with understanding the daily routine and I helped him with his social skills by supporting him with understanding the we need to take turns and share. Next time Next time I will carry on encouraging his social skills and communication skills by supporting him with sharing the toys and taking turns. I will also tell him the children’s names so he will feel part of a group and help with his self esteem. All while letting the child know I will be there to support him and help with his daily needs if he needs it.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ethical Analysis of Baby Theresa Essay
Baby Theresa is a very unique case. Theresa Ann Campo Pearson was an infant born in Florida 1992, with Anencephaly, which is where the two most important parts of the brain are missing, the cerebrum and cerebellum, as well as the top of the skull. Without these parts of the brain she would never have had higher brain functions or consciousness. However, there is still a brain stem connected so all the autonomic functions are still working, such as having a heart beat and breathing. Anencephaly is known as one of the worst congenital disorders, thus these cases are usually detected during pregnancy and aborted. If not aborted, half are stillborn or if born alive, they usually die within a few days. In Baby Theresa’s case, she died nine days after birth. Even though, knowing that Baby Theresa would not live long and never have a conscious life, her parents requested that her organs would not go to waste, but instead be donated for transplants for other infants in need before Theresa’s natural death. In fact, even physicians agreed that was a good idea because over 2000 infants need transplants each year. Unfortunately, the state of Florida prohibits euthanasia and that the organs only be removed when natural death occurs. Eventually, within the nine days Baby Theresa organs decayed and were not used because the Circuit Court Judge Estella Moriarty ruled that a Florida statute does not allow a person to be declared dead while any part of the brain is functioning. The judge told the parents: â€Å"I can’t authorize someone to take your baby’s life, however short, however unsatisfying, to save another child. †Which brings me to my first ethical argument, â€Å"It’s wrong to kill†. According to Immanuel Kant and his Kantian deontological theory, the principle of morality and our perfect duties, which one happens to be â€Å"it’s wrong to kill an innocent person†, comes from the categorical imperative. Kant states in the text on page 18 that, â€Å"act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end. †This is basically saying you always respect another person’s dignity. Thus, from a Kantian standpoint, it is wrong to kill Theresa and take her organs to save others because then they would be using her merely as a means to other infants’ ends. However, to play devils advocate, â€Å"using a person†typically means you are violating their autonomy- their right to live and decide for themselves according to their own desires and values. With that being said, Baby Theresa was not autonomous because she had no consciousness, she had no ability to ever decide what was in her best interest and desire. So, technically, the Judge of the circuit court was not respecting the parents’ dignity of wanting to donate Theresa’s organs. For that reason, D. W Ross’s theory should have been taken into consideration. Indeed, I understand why the judge decided to make the ruling she did because if she did allow the physicians to take Theresa’s life before natural death took its course, it would have possibly undermined all physicians as untrustworthy, which could have ruined the patient-physician relationship. However, even though her ruling was very understandable, an important and very valuable theory should not have been over looked with a case as exceptional as this one, the Prima Facie Duty. W. D Ross explains when to consider this theory on page 23 that, â€Å" to provide a defensible account of â€Å"cases of conscience,†that is, situations that confront us with a conflict of duties. †Meaning when a person is uncertain and unsettled, but still must make a decision, but yet does not know which direction to go, you make a Prima Facie Duty. Ross then went on to explain that, â€Å"a Prima Facie Duty can be overridden by another Prima Facie Duty that in a particular set of circumstances is more stringent. With that being said, the duty of justice and the duty of beneficence can both be applied here because the Judge should have respected the parents’ religion and wishes, in their time of distress, to make their own personal decisions with their daughter by making other beings in the world conditions better. Also, the â€Å"it’s wrong to kill an innocent person†argument can be debated as well. Yes, I agree, it is wrong to kill a person to save another person, but there are exceptions, like what even makes a person, a person? Should Baby Theresa be considered a person? Research shows that all people have minds and all minds are capable of conscious mental activity, which Baby Theresa did not any thoughts or feelings, she was basically just breathing, so she should not have been considered as a person by these terms. Indeed, many infants could have benefitted from Baby Theresa’s organs, leading me to believe that the Utilitarianism theory was the correct approach to take for this case. In fact, when Jeremy Bentham created the Utilitarianism theory, he also made a point to focus on the consequences as much as the positive outcomes, which was called the Hedonistic Calculus. The Hedonistic Calculus is like a compare and contrast graph to weigh out the pleasures and pains of a situation because his main principle was, â€Å"act to promote the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people and less suffering to the less amount of people†and pleasure is the only value in the world based on the hedonism. With this in mind, if the parents were happy with making other families happy by giving their child organs for a good cause without technically harming or killing Baby Theresa, they ought to do so and that is what Ethics is all about, what you ought to do in a dilemma. Where as, on the other hand, by not allowing the organs to be donated for transplants, not only was the Judge dissatisfying Theresa parents wishes, she was possibly causing a larger chain reaction of disappointment and agony to the other families who would have been grateful and appreciative of Theresa organs, rather than allowing them to decay, causing pain to multiple parties. Ultimately, this case is a tricky one because I fully understand both the Kantian Theory plus the Utilitarianism and Consequentialist theory, but I see absolutely no benefits from overriding the parents’ beliefs and wishes of wanting to donate Theresa’s kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, and eyes because overall, many children could have tremendously benefitted from them.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Free Market Economics vs. Command Economies
Imagine a country where the goods and services that are produced are based on the market. The market decides who gets them and how the economy grows. This is called a Free Market which is also known as Capitalism. In capitalistic countries citizens have sole ownership of their land or businesses. Profit is the motivating factor in this economy. The citizens are more willing to work due to the retention of profits from their businesses. Corporations are able to issue bonuses and rewards for those with high productivity. Businesses can establish themselves or trade with other nations for more profit. There is limited government input in a free market economy. Businesses compete with each other giving the consumer a wide variety of goods and services at a low competitive price. The market is determined by supply and demand. The citizens in a free market have the ability to elect officials into office that they feel would make a difference. They have freedom of speech, religion and press. They have the rights that were governed by the United States Constitution. In a command economy the government decides the goods and services that are produced, who gets them and how it will affect the economy. Socialism and Communism are both variations of this economy. Socialism is a medium between a free market and a communism economy. The major businesses are owned by the public while small businesses are still private. In this economy the Government will control health care, education, media and transportation. The private owned companies can still motivate their workers by providing monetary incentives and are provoked by profit. The public companies however are monitored by the government and therefore have limited incentives. Trading with nations in the socialistic economy has a lot of restrictions. The government even controls who goes to college. A communist economy the government controls almost ever aspect of the market and civilian freedoms. All businesses are publically owned. The markets are controlled by the government fully and there is very little choice for consumers. Citizens do not have freedom of speech, religion, and press. The two economies are completely different from each other. Either the government has the reigns in a command economy or the people do in the free market. North Korea is an example of a communist country. The people have very little rights and the government makes all the decisions. The United States is an example of a free market economy, were the people control the market and their choices, the government has very little input. Lastly Sweden is an example of a socialist country were the government has more input then the people, but the citizens still have some choice. Nickels, W. , McHugh, J. , & Mchugh, S. (2010). Understanding Business. (9th ed) Avenue of Americas, New York: The Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Political Talk Outside the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Political Talk Outside the Workplace - Essay Example Inventory: While pursuing this course I realized that I do want to create effective and interesting compositions so that the people who read them may really enjoy them. Hence, it would not be wrong to say that I consider the writing to be an extension of my social self. Besides, while pursuing this course I realized that getting feedback and criticism from others much improves my writing skills. I really love it when people praise the originality and ingenuity of my ideas. This further motivates me to work on my writing skills so that in the long run I may turn out to be an interesting and appreciated writer. Thesis: The one great thing about computers is that they totally do away with the hassles caused by distance and time and allow me to communicate with people, friends and family members located anywhere in the world at any time of the day. Evidence: The very fact that when computers were not there, the maximum one could do to access one’s loved ones and friends was to give them a call. Social media like Facebook and Twitter rely on computers to be able to allow people to locate and communicate with their friends around the world. Computers also allow for communicating with people in a variety of formats like audio, visual and text. Purpose and Audience: This essay intends to communicate with the people interested in knowing my ideas about computers. I feel that I need to make the essay more personal. Too much of technical information has made the essay boring. Besides, many people already know these technical facts. I need to relate this information to my personal experience. Thesis Statement, Topic Sentences and Paragraphs: The thesis statement could be written in a more simple and compact manner. The thesis statement needs to be a summation of the important ideas I presented in the essay.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
) Henry's speech was a call to action. What did he want his fellow Research Paper
) Henry's speech was a call to action. What did he want his fellow Virginians to do What were his justifications for the prop - Research Paper Example He suggests that slavery and lack of freedom among them can only bring about more violence and oppression to the region. He asks the fellow Virginians to fight energetically for their rights and freedom as they owe one from the British Empire. His justification for this call is that, not fighting and being ignorant to the atrocities of British ministry can only lead them slavery and oppression . Henry also mentions that the life with less liberty can make the Virginians weak in performing their duties and responsibilities to their own nation. It also can be a disloyalty to the God and the majestic heavens. He further argues that fleets of army and navy are not necessary for the British ministry to impart freedom and human rights to the fellow Virginians. Henry addresses the one who oppose him by saying that, the war has already begun. He is commenting that things have gone far than expected and the Virginian fellow men have taken action to launch war against British ministry. Henry i s making clear that the Virginian fellow men can get liberty only if they fight as the situation has gone out of hand Generally speaking, Slavery is the main theme in Henry’s speech and this is illustrated widely by him throughout his speech in an imagery way. His imagery can be seen when he comments that the fellow Virginians are in the forged chains of British ministry. The only factor which influences the fellowmen is the illusionary hope, which they nurture in their mind .They hope ardently that the British ministry would give them liberty in future times, but Henry see this hops as an illusion. Henry asserts that, the Virginian men and women are slaves of British colonists, and if they don’t fight then the state of Virginians can only be deteriorated. Henry also comments that their senses are not shut towards the atrocities of British leaders and war is inevitable. The imagery element is highly experienced when Henry claims that the clamoring of the slaved Virgini ans can be heard till the plains of Boston. This kind of imagery put forward by Henry showcases the oppression and despair in the minds of the subjects of Virginia. The imagery of Henry can be reflected when he argues that the fellowmen has the blessing of God of nature in fighting and they can win as they are in the favor of truth and liberty. The imagery of God has prominent influence on fellow Virginians as this re-imposed the religious thoughts and principles buried in their minds. Henry has intimidated the Virginians by declaring several resolutions to protect the human rights and liberty of the country men. One among them was the tax resolution which aimed the well being of the fellow Virginians. â€Å"Henry’s five resolution, known popularly as the Virginia Resolves, might have remained a local matter had if not for the colonial press†(pg.118,chapter Apparently, the imagery used by Henry like slavery and power of God and nature has well resonated among the Virgi nians because they believe in God and can resemble things regarding their life to the Henry’s speech. The Virginians of the British colony were living a life that resembled slaves and hence the call for action by Henry hit the Virginians hard. Henry knew that Virginians were religious people, thus the mention of imagery like God’s and nature’s power initiated a profound impact on his countrymen. Henry in his speech has taken the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Problem - Essay Example I believe I have faced enough competition in the early academic years. Since my childhood, I’ve been a shy, reserved and quiet person. I don’t interact with people much due to my hesitation while talking to new people. I feel uncomfortable when I am surrounded by a group of individuals and I’ve always tried to stay out of group discussions. These natural personality constraints led me to the isolation from my social circle. I have had a few friends and even their knowledge was limited about my problems, likes, dislikes and issues. These personality traits seem normal and unproblematic to many people. However, I personally feel that these were the factors that affected my academic performance the most. I never wished to take a position in the class in order to avoid prominence and attention from others. I did not take part in class discussions as I felt awkward and uncomfortable speaking in front of all students and the teacher. I kept myself from asking question even if I had some confusion in my mind regarding the topic being taught by the teacher. When I was a kid, I used to avoid interactions with other kids. I kept myself isolated in the parks, play grounds and even in the school. I used to keep my feelings secret and ideas personal. All these traits resulted in inner conflicts arising in me.
Monday, August 26, 2019
M5 Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
M5 Reflection - Essay Example It is therefore easy to assume that teachers are supposed to do a better job as far as keeping up with science is concerned, nevertheless, teaching is a profession that is already labor intensive. It is might therefore become difficult for someone not familiar with the profession to separate scientific research from other pseudoscience. This means theories associated with learning and teaching at different levels may be appear as effective but they need to be tested on a large scale. Reseach also leads to the development of equity that ensures that individual develop a belief in value while being committed to the creation and sustenance of positive school cultures. Is also important is developing lifelong learning that enables individual to develop a commitment to implementing shared visions of learning that are backed by the school community. On the other hand, action research may be instrumental in appreciating the activities that take place in the classroom and identifying the changes that lead to improved teaching and learning (Whitehead & McNiff, 2006). Action research is important in answering questions concerning the efficiency of particular instructional approaches, performances of students and the management of classroom approaches. Research in education often appears to be removed from other aspects of the classroom and for many teachers; experimental research appears to be in contradiction of the mandate to improve learning for all the students (Armstrong & Moore, 2004). In this context, action research provides the benefits of studies in the schoolroom setting without the associated hurdles. The main aim of school-wide research is improving the school in terms of the organizations as an entity with an ability to solve problems (Erchul & Sheridan, 2014). Through recurrent cycles of research, the entire school, as a community should progressively improve to gain ability to work together in the identification of problems and solving them.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Result Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Result Exam - Essay Example The descriptive research design will involve a survey to identify certain characteristics of SMEs and further research to gather qualitative information. This paper considers how three different approaches in research methodology (quantitative, qualitative and mixed design) could be applied to the topic area ‘What is below the surface and underlying success factors for small and medium enterprises in Thailand?’ using examples from the literature. We will explain which approach is most suitable by analyzing the options, and then formulate a proposed design detailing what reliable and valid secondary data would be collected and how to address the research question. First, a brief introduction to SMEs in Thailand is given to introduce the subject area of the proposed study. This includes what they are, their role, and important statistical facts. This is followed by a preliminary overview of some support initiatives provided to SMEs mostly by the Thai government. The identification of possible success factors helps to better focus the proposed study. SMEs are defined by both number of employees and amount of fixed assets. These are fewer relative to larger enterprises. In terms of their function, they are an important foundation of business activity in most economies including the Thai economy. As of April 2009, the number of reported SMEs in Thailand is around 2.4 million, of which 400,00 are classified as genuine according to the Thai National Statistical Office (Pongvutitham, 2009). The Office of Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion (OSMEP, 2008) acknowledges that SMEs play an immensely important role in Thailand’s economy and represent over 99% of the country’s businesses. SMEs make an immense contribution to Thailand’s economic development â€Å"as they are the resources of job creation and revenue distribution for people in
Saturday, August 24, 2019
HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN PERSPECTIVE Class - Research Paper Example into the understanding of differences such what we owe the old, different theories such as Law of Nature to determine behavior, and the connection between the approaches such as social and sexual contract. That the law of nature can be seen as a law of reason and that natural law can be seen through the same eyes that are used in reason. According to Locke, the natural law has often been found in the scriptures and that they have been established through the will of God. The natural law should, therefore, be understood in the line of actions that are consistent with God’s scriptures. The other approach that has been fronted by John Locke is that the law of nature should be considered as a universal entity that applies to everybody at every particular time and in any place, but the law has to consider that the differences in culture will have to state what is culturally acceptable in different societies. Locke talks of natural law to be normative rather than descriptive and that it is not mandatory that civil laws stay in harmony with the elements of natural law. It is significant to understand that civil laws should often be made consistent with the structures of natural law. F or the purpose of seeking to derive an understanding in regards to the law of nature, one has to put human behavior in perspective and to create an awareness that civil rights are connected to natural law and that the different cultures do not have to exhibit similarities in the peculiarity of the beliefs The link between sexual contract and the social contract had been documented by John Locke especially when he developed a discussion on the relationship between the two types of contract as well as the relationship between the individual and the state. The discussions about the relationship witnessed between the state and the individual are the ideas that shaped Carole Paterman’s theory of sexual contract and the critique of the views presented by such thinkers as Locke and John Stuart
Friday, August 23, 2019
Chronic Medical Conditions and Health Surveillance Essay
Chronic Medical Conditions and Health Surveillance - Essay Example In order to control her blood pressure, she was started on an antihypertensive. The patient then sustained a fall which was not accompanied by any episodes of altered consciousness. Falls are a commonly encountered issue amongst the elderly and studies have revealed that they amount to almost 60% of the hospital admissions in the UK National Health Service (NHS) amongst the elderly (Oliver, 2007, p. 173). In order to decipher the cause of the fall, a focused history regarding the events preceding and following the fall should be obtained. In the case of this patient, she reports that the fall occurred when she stood up from a chair and was preceded by an episode of feeling ‘giddy’. Since she denies any aura, alteration of consciousness, post-ictal events, persisting weakness or loss of function in any part of the body after the fall, and this is verified by her husband who was present at the time of the incident, most common neurologic causes of the fall such as stroke o r seizures can be ruled out. Similarly, as she denies any chest pain or palpitations, cardiac causes such as arrhythmias and angina/myocardial infarction also become unlikely as the cause of the fall. ... system covers the commonest causes of falls amongst the elderly, whereby D refers to Drugs and alcohol; A refers to age-related physiological changes, such as impaired balance and postural instability, reduced vision and increased reaction time; M refers to medical causes and E refers to environmental causes (Oliver, 2007). Drugs/medications are amongst the top causes of falls amongst elderly especially due to the multiple co-morbidities that are commonly found amongst elderly patients, the problem of poly-pharmacy leading to drug interactions is quite common in this population of individuals. Therefore, obtaining a careful drug history and ruling out any drug over dosage, interactions and adverse effects leading to a fall is important in elderly patients. A critical analysis of the patient’s medication history reveals that the patient was started on Atenolol, at a starting dose of 400mg BID, which amounts to 800mg of Atenolol per day. Atenolol belongs to a class of anti-hyper tensives termed as beta blockers, and is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs from this class (Carlberg, Samuelsson, & Lindholm, 2004, p. 1684). Atenolol is a cardio-selective beta blocker, i.e. it only acts on beta-1 receptors, which are the predominant type of receptors in the heart. Such beta blockers spare the beta-2 receptors, which are the predominant type of receptors located in the lungs and the vascular smooth muscle and are thus free from side effects such as bronchospasm, which were previously commonly encountered with the use of non-selective beta blockers (Medic8, 2010). Previously, beta blockers such Atenolol were considered to be the first-line agent in the management of hypertensive patients, but more recently, the use of these agents as the drug of choice for hypertension
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Measuring Success for Riordan Essay Example for Free
Measuring Success for Riordan Essay With the goal of realizing sustainability for the shareholders, Riordan Manufacturing is working towards a growth strategy that will further expand operations globally. Expansion of business outside of the United States and Hangzhou, China will help Riordan gain brand recognition and claim greater market share within their industry. Global operations will also help to streamline shipping processes to overseas customers, and reduce wasted hours and expenditures. With a strategy drawn up and the implementation ready to begin, Riordan Manufacturing needs to realize that progress needs to be tracked. Certain measurement techniques and assessment protocols should be in place to verify that the strategy is implemented properly. In this paper measurement guidelines will be given that will verify strategy effectiveness, assessment and feedback ideas will be outlined, and plans for strategy alterations will be defined. The evaluation and control process ensures that the company is achieving the desired goals and objectives that it is set out to accomplish. In order to setup the most appropriate evaluation process, there are many guidelines for measurement that should be considered. Cost effectiveness, relevance, and validity are attributes that should be considered when measuring outputs and outcomes. A measure is cost effective is the control and information it provides outweighs the cost of producing the data (Governor’s Office of Budget and Planning and Legislative Budget Board, 1992). The measure should also be relevant in that it relates to the company’s goals, objectives and strategies. This information should be used for assessment and decision making as well. In regards to validity, the measure should collect all information that directly relates to the scope of the process or project. All other non relevant information should be filtered and discarded to achieve the results intended. The management team of Riordan Manufacturing needs to determine the specific implementation process to be used and what results will be monitored and evaluated. In addition, the management team will be responsible for setting standards of performance used to measure performance that are detailed expressions of strategic objectives (Wheelen Hunger, 2010). Return on investment (ROI) and earnings per share (EPS) are considered to be appropriate measures that Riordan Manufacturing should use in order to determine if the company is reaching their profitability objectives. These measures are limited in that they do not display real time information and instead focus upon what has already happened. In order to combat this, steering control are used to measure variables that influence future profitability (Wheelen Hunger, 2010). Since Riordan Manufacturing is looking to increase the effectiveness of its customer service, customer satisfaction should be used as one of the company’s steering controls. Customer satisfaction can be measured through scores on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) or through of process of comparing the total amount of sales with the amount of customer service requests and the time spent dealing with the customer’s problem. This measurement will have a direct impact upon the quarterly profits of the company.
Letter to Congress Essay Example for Free
Letter to Congress Essay My name is Vanessa, I am a Registered Nurse currently enrolled in the BSN program at University of Phoenix. I am writing this letter to identify a healthcare bill and discuss its impact on direct service delivery in the public healthcare setting. The letter also presents the cons and pros of the bill, in addition to summarizing the impact of the bill on healthcare coverage and patient care. The aim of the letter is to request your support for the bill. The healthcare bill that needs your support in order to ensure successful implementation and improved healthcare services delivery is a bill that offers healthcare coverage for illegal immigrants not covered by the Affordable Care Act. The Bill is called Healthcare for All. State Senator Ricardo Lara (D-33) sponsors it. The bill aims to extend healthcare insurance coverage to people not covered in the ACA Act (Russ, 2014). The most important aspect of the bill is that it seeks to ensure that healthcare is affordable and accessible to all people in the country. The bill is motivated by the fact that failure to provide coverage will create gaps in service delivery. It requires your support because it targets to lower the rates of uninsured citizens through the expansion of healthcare insurance coverage. It is important to note that several pros are associated with the bill. Some of the pros of the Act include introduction of mechanisms such as mandates, subsidies and insurance exchang es to illegal immigrants. The strategy assures that illegal immigrants in States such as California will receive the same healthcare insurance plans afforded to citizens of California. Under this bill, illegal immigrants will be given premium cost sharing reductions and subsidies. The mechanisms increase the coverage and affordability of healthcare insurance. The bill dubbed Healthcare for All will provide coverage to uninsured residents through the expansion of the existing Act (Russ, 2014). Additionally, it will create new healthcare insurance exchanges, which will enable undocumented people to purchase coverage. The objective of the bill is to create a healthy state where everyone can access affordable and quality healthcare coverage. Under the Bill, undocumented people will qualify for Medicaid coverage that has been fully paid by the state. The bill presents a required solution that addresses inadequate compensation systems and inefficiencies of state healthcare systems. The bill needs your support because it will offer two options to the undocumented immigrants. The first option is the extension of Medicaid to people, who earn below the poverty level. The second option is insurance exchange to people who earn above the poverty level. It will help in minimizing overcrowding in emergency rooms. The main disadvantage of the Act is that it creates new taxes, particularly on citizens. Providing illegal immigrants in California with healthcare insurance is an expensive venture because it will force citizens to pay more taxes in order to address the healthcare needs of illegal immigrants (Russ, 2014). Based on these findings, I request your support for the bill. It is clear that the pros of the bill will improve healthcare service delivery in a holistic manner without the need to discriminate against the illegal immigrants. Supporting the bill shows your constituents and public that you seek to improve the healthcare sector and service delivery. The main impact of the bill is the reduction of the number of uninsured people. Your support is needed in order for Congress to pursue solutions to practical problems that millions of Americans face. Thank you for your time. Sincerely References Jonas, S., Goldsteen, R. L., Goldsteen, K., Jonas, S. (2013). Jonas introduction to the U.S. health care system. New York: Springer Pub. Co. Russ, K. (2014). California Senator Offers Controversial Bill To Cover Healthcare Costs For Illegal Immigrants Not Covered By ACA. Justice Foundation in Defense of Veterans. Los Angeles.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Carnival Cruises Analysis
Carnival Cruises Analysis Carnival Corporation is the largest and most successful cruise lines in the world. Their corporate offices are located in Miami, Florida with over 91,000 employees with offices all over the world. It all started in 1972 by Ted Arison who had a vision to create the greatest cruise line in the world. Carnival slowly started to grow and over time was awarded The Worlds Most Popular Cruise Line.(Carnival, 2006) On 1987 the management team decided to take advantage to its well-known reputation and went public entering in the New York Stock Exchange as CCL. Today Carnival has added over 100 ships and acquired premium cruise lines in almost every sector of the industry. In 1989 Holland America Line was acquired by Carnival adding niche operators including Windstar Cruises and Alaskan/Canadian cruise lines. In 1992 several luxury liner, where acquired such as Seabourn and Europes largest operator Costa Cruises. Carnival was not done expanding and in 1998 they acquired the prestiges luxury operator Cunard who built the world largest ocean liner Queen Mary 2. (Carnival, 2006) Carnival Corporation was beginning to take shape, but on 2003 they successfully merged with Princess Cruises creating a global power house. Carnival also purchased P O cruises, Ibero cruises and AIDA Cruises lines. Carnival had become the largest cruise operator in the world from US to Europe. Although Carnival managed several cruise line operator each line had its own distinction and separate operations. In 1972 Ted Arison owner and operator of all Carnival had a vision. Ted story begins when he took a small ship called the Mardi Gras and converted it into a small ocean liner. The Mardi Gras was an innovative cruise liner like no other for its time that only made a one-way trip from Miami to San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Carnival, 2006) Although it wasnt easy surviving, Ted Arison was focused to be successful and on 1974 he became full owner of Carnival cruise line. Organization as large as Carnival has management team that is broken up to different divisions. It starts from CEO Chairman Micky Arison, the next tier down is Howard S Frank as the COO who over sees all businesses of company, within that same tier is David Bernstein who is CFO of all Businesses. The Next tier down is Richard Ames SVP of Shared Services, within same tier Arnaldo Perez SVP General Counsel and Secretary. Next tier down is Larry Freedman who is Chief Accounting Officer and Controller. The last tier down are all the divisional Presidents who manage AIDA Cruises, Carnival Cruise Lines, Carnival Australia, Carnival UK, Costa Crociere S.p.A, Cunard Line, Holland America Line , Princess Cruises and Seabourn Cruise Line. (David, 2013) Carnivals overall goal is to collaborate all its brands to reach every area of the cruising industry. Carnivals main focus is to attract all types of customers who are in different demographic, budgets, geographic and all cultures. The main concepts that Carnival tries to achieve is to be known as Fun Ship, along with all the amenities that go with it such as Luxury, elegance and exotic destination. (David, 2013) Carnival has invested in their own marketing division, were they offer a 10% commission to their travel agents and offer other bonus programs. The marketing division has focused on marketing material, advertisement, website interaction, seminars and videos. These efforts are too assist agent in the field to generate more sales. Their website division has created promotional campaigns that offer discounts, VIP savings, resident discounts, special meals, and holiday deals. (David, 2013) Carnival domestic and international destinations are growing. New routes are being developed and new ships are being built. Travelers most appealing destinations are the Caribbean, Alaska, Bahamas, Hawaii, Mediterranean/Greek Island/Turkey, Bermuda, Europe, Panama Canal and least appealing West coast of Mexico.(David, 2013). Competition is growing among the other cruise lines and more theme based environment is beginning to evolve. For example, onboard amenities are being created such as cell phone access, entertainment, villas, multiple themed restaurant, fitness center and spas are making this industry competitive. (David, 2013)More and more people are cruising and more bigger and better luxury liners are being built around the clock. Carnival is the leader in the industry but it must not lose their edge because competition can knock them down to second place. Executive Summary Carnivals Mission statement is to be the worlds largest cruise operator that offers exceptional customer service to all its clientele. Carnivals number one goal is for its passengers to have an memorable experience and to continue to travel on Carnival. Carnival would like to offer its clients a One-stop shop for traveling. Carnival has eleven different Cruise lines around the world that can make that happen. Despite of economic down turns of the tourism industry; Carnival has continuously grown and expanded their portfolio of cruise line brands. Carnival Corporation has ten cruise lines with one hundred active vessels. In its portfolio of cruise line, Carnival has been able to generate nine percent revenue and delivering new ships each year. Carnival growth strategy has allowed the company to achieve a four percent increase in revenue growth and maintain the largest and most profitable travel company globally. Since its public offering and forty years in business, Carnival has managed to acquire multiple cruise lines that cater to the global travelers. Carnivals global expansion is now reaching out to travelers in North America, Europe and Australia. Carnival cruises continue to offer itineraries products around the world and offer all types of entertainment including excursions. Carnival continues to venture into regions that are untapped markets, such as Asia to increase market share. Cruise industry has many competitors trying to take each others market share. The few players who compete with each are Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Celebration Cruise line, Star Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Lines and Radisson Seven Seas Cruises. Each company has its own niche and advertises in a certain clientele. With an all-inclusive themes cruise liners are beginning to distinguish themselves by the type of services they offer. The industry trend is to create massive ships that allow cruise line to offer more activities that can generate additional revenues to the cruise company. Today the Cruise industry is growing and more ships are currently in production. Cruising is now a major player in the traveling industry and more and more people are cruising today. Market conditions for the cruise industry is growing and for the last five years the cruise industry has been growing at 8% each year. (Cruise tourism, 2010). Internal Assessment (A) After reviewing three years of Carnival 10k data from Financial Statement and Balance sheet, we can see that Carnival is the biggest cruise line operator in the world. The analysis of ratios is broken up into five segments including, liquidity, activity, profitability, asset management and leverage. Within these segments you can see the companys current ratio to total debt to assets. This data indicates the company is strong and sound. Under the current ratios you take the current assets divide by current liabilities which include cash, accounts receivable and short term investments. Carnival shows a down trend of liquidity from 2009 to 2011. When you look at the current ratios, you see that in 2009 the current ratios were 0.31. In 2010 there was a 0.09 drop which left them with a current ratio of .22, and in 2011 you only see a .01 drop which left them with a current ratio of .21. Carnivals receivables turnover shows an increase in the ability to extend credit sales and collect receivables as the years progressed from 2009 to 2011. Carnival has a successful rate on collecting receivable. In 2009, Carnival had an Accounts Receivable Turnover of 37, had increased by 27% for a total of 47 in 2010. During 2011 you see a 30% increase in accounts receivable turnover which left them with a ratio of .61 in 2011. Carnival shows they are able to extend credit and collect in a 30 day timeframe. Looking at Carnivals Return on Asset percentage, you can see in 2009 ROA came in at 4.86 has an increase of 0.46% in 2010 for a total of 5.32% and incurred a slight decrease. In 2011 the total ROA came in at 5.02%. Under the Total Assets Turnover (TAT) you see Carnival shows an increase during 2009 -2011. In 2009, Carnival had a TAT of .37, an increase of .02% in 2010 for a TAT of .39, and in 2011 reflected another .02% increase for a TAT of .41. Based on the ROA and TAT comparisons, Carnival maximizes their assets and the number shows an upward trend. When you look at the Operating Profit Margin (OPM) on Carnival you see margins have been declining through the period of 2009-2011. Carnival had an OPM of 16% in 2009, 16.22% in 2010 and a decrease in 2011 to 14.28%.Net income by percentage of sales declined for Carnival from 2010 to 2011 by 1.56%, while they only saw a gain in sales of .37% from 2009 to 2010. Now, when you look at earning per Share (EPS), as a shareholder these numbers would indicate how profitable the company can be which Carnival had EPS of 2.24 in 2009, and increase in EPS of 0.23to total 2.47 in 2010, and a slight decrease of .05 in 2011 to total 2.42. Stock holder for Carnival would probably want to hold onto their stock as it shows a consistent trend. Overall, Carnival has lower liquidity ratios and has much better management of its assets, relies less on debt to finance its assets. Carnival has higher price per earning percentage for 2011. When you look at stock price history, Carnival has a consistent price in the $30s price range. After looking at all ratios from Liquidity Ratios, Leverage ratios, Activity ratios, Profitability ratios and growth ratios. Carnival has great management of its assets and it is stable for investors. Internal Assessment (B) Organization as large as Carnival has management team that is broken up to different divisions. It starts from CEO Chairman Micky Arison, the next tier down is Howard S Frank as the COO who over sees all businesses of company, within that same tiers is David Bernstein who is CFO of all Businesses. The Next tier down is Richard Ames SVP of Shared Services, within same tier Arnaldo Perez SVP General Counsel and Secretary. Next tier down is Larry Freedman who is Chief Accounting Officer and Controller. The last tier down are all the divisional Presidents who manage AIDA Cruises, Carnival Cruise Lines, Carnival Australia, Carnival UK, Costa Crociere S.p.A, Cunard Line, Holland America Line , Princess Cruises and Seabourn Cruise Line. (David, 2013) If you look at the organization chart Carnival Management team, you see the hierarchical of the line relationship of the chain of command. Carnival runs an effective organization but I would recommend a different approach. The Chain of command will start with the CEO which looks at the overall executive team. The tier below would be Chief operation officer which will manage all internal departments such as Marketing, Sales, Customer Service and Operations. On this same line of command you have Chief financial officer which will manage the accounting department along with the controllers. Next to the CFO you have president of Cruise lines this position will oversee all the regional directors. The next tier down would be American cruise director which will manages all Domestic cruise lines and a European cruise director which will handle all international cruise lines. The next tier down would be the Presidents of Carnival US, Holland America and Princess Cruises. On the same tier you will find Presidents for Aida, Carnival Australia, Carnival UK, Costa Cruises, Cunard and Seabourn. These Presidents will manage all the lower level management such as the Vice Presidents and Managers. This organizational chart has a chain of command that manages all levels of the company. The power of executive has more upper management to the managers and this way there is a clear communication channel to the top. The current organization chart doesnt have a chain of command that manages the entire company and all its divisions. When comparing Carnival from its competitors such as Royal Caribbean, Norwegian and Disney you can see where these cruise lines compete with one other. The Profile is broken up by four categories, High Customer Service, Low Customer Service, and Expensive to In-Expensive. Customer Service is large role when it comes to cruising. Prices also play a major role when it comes on choosing a cruise line. I compared all four companies on a 4-7 day cruise to the Caribbean departing from Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Port Canaveral. After comparing the reviews and prices of all four cruises, the most expensive trip was Royal Caribbean. Oasis of the Sea is one of the largest ships cruise ship in the world with a rating of 88% in customer satisfaction and pricing ranging from $749 to $1599(not including taxes, port fees, off season). Travelers rated Disney Dream cruise of 84% with pricing ranging $480 to $1900(not including taxes, port fees, off season, 4 night cruise). Critics gave Carnival Dream a 75% rating with pricing ranging from $299 to $749(not including taxes, port fees, off season).The last company evaluated was Norwegian Epic receiving a 72% rating with prices from $429 to $899(not including taxes, port fees, off season). Carnival Strategies is to compete by offering the most affordable all inclusive entertainment travel experience anyone can have. Carnival Cruise Lines has 24 ships in its fleet. Carnival purchase used ships and refurbishes them with new enhancements. By doing this Carnival is saving millions of dollars and is able to keep costs low. Another strategy carnival does is that it purchases large amounts of fuel when price of oil is low. Carnival marketing strategy is to brand their name as the fun ship; people are drawn to affordable traveling that has tons of fun. The advantage that Carnival has is that its the largest cruise operator in the world. This allows Carnival to have negotiating power politically, along with negotiating new ports or to expand smaller ports. This allows Carnival to increase their ship line and increase demographic reach. The disadvantage is that Carnival is known as the cheapest cruise line with refurbished ships that cater to the masses. Royal Caribbean strategy is to focus on purchases newer ships. By doing this they are building on their name brand recognition and promoting value to all of their luxury lines. Royal Caribbean disadvantages are that they have expensive ships that need to generate a high return on investment. Another disadvantage are fuel cost this can really affect the profitability of the company. Royal Caribbean main goal is to dominate the cruise industry with one name brand at a time. Norwegian Cruises line strategy has around 8% market share in industry and growing. The advantage Norwegian has is that they have 13 ships in there fleet. There demographics is growing from North America, Hawaii, Alaska and Europe. Norwegian disadvantages is that there fleet of 13 consist of older to new ships which requires frequent renovations. Having older ships can affect the name brand recognition of Norwegian for having an image of having old ships. Overall Norwegian Cruise Lines has many good attributes that they have introduced, such as casual dining variety of restaurants and Las Vegas shows. These are popular themes that the industry is following. Internal Assessment (D) Carnivals value is to offer world class service at a fraction of the price. The Fun Ship is there motto and that is what they would like to be known for. They spend countless hours trying to create activities that all of the passengers would love and enjoy. Carnivals number one goal is for all its passengers to have a memorable experience and to return back to its lines. SWOT Analysis Strengths The largest cruise operator in the world with eleven cruise brands0 Carnival most profitable company in the industry. Has established name brand recognition as the Fun Ship. Carnival has negotiating powers with vendors, ports and political figures. Able to purchase fuel when prices are low. Weaknesses Revenues are dropping. Carnival generates majority revenues in North America which means economy can affect the company. Currencies devaluation. Long term debt on new ship construction. Opportunity There is still market share in the vacationing market. Bigger ships are being made that carry more people. Asia is an untapped market. Threats US Tax loopholes may be expiring Cap and Trade Accidents on the ships Security of the ships from pirates. Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix Internal Factor PESTLE Analysis Political / Government Ongoing relations with Politicians and cruise line operators are essentials. Politicians are directly involved on expanding and creating ports, taxes, environmental fees, trade restrictions and tariffs. These projects need the backing from the Politicians. Without agreements with governments, cruise operators would not be able to conduct business in their countries. Governments and Political factors work hand and hand in the cruise industry. Each countries government is in communication with the cruise ship operators from port facilitation to emergencies safety rescue occurrences. Depending on the region, Pirates are a continuing problem. Cruise ship companies rely on local governments for protection from these threats. Government plays an important role when it comes to safety protection. There are mutual benefits when working together with cruise ship companies. The cruise industry offers an increase of local employment within the city and its ports. For example restaurants, hotels, taxis, theme parks, museums, shops, taxi drivers and travel guides are all positively affected. In some countries tourism brings large sums of revenues to the local city and governments. This enhances the relationship with cruise companies and Politicians. Economic The cruise line industry is growing at a growth rate of 8% and more people are traveling today than ever before. Many Economic factors are involved, such as clienteles economic positions, growth in markets, currencies rates when working international and inflation plays a role. Cruise operators will be affected under management and operational levels. If the price of fuel starts to increase, then this will affect operating cost of the company. If interest rates increase then this will affect the revenues of the company. Economic factor plays a major role of the survival of the company. Social / Cultural / Demographic Social factors are measured by the Demographics, Population Growth and Age of their clientele. Popularity destinations and customer experiences will identify cruise industry demands. For example if a certain demographic and age, has a positive experience on their vacation. Then a positive trend will occur for that demographic and age segment. Social studies are important to the cruise industry to determine marketing opportunities on certain segments of the cruise industry. Today cultural factors play a role when traveling on a cruise ship. There are several cultural destinations from The Caribbean, Alaska, Western Mexico, Mediterranean, Europe, South America and Asia pacific. The Caribbean is most popular cultural destination in the world and Mediterranean is next in popularity. As the cruise industry grows more cultural destinations will be available. Demographics factors are important when conducting research and development. When conducting research they look at certain segments from Age, Income, Sex, Civil status, Occupancy, Education and Employment status. Conducting market study requires statistical data on each demographics. There are four different segments that are broken down by Luxury, Premium, Contemporary and Special. With all this information gathered, research and development can create a market strategy that will provide valuable information when creating an itineraries or new destinations. Technological Technological factors are important externally and internally within the company. Having good communications from management to operations is a critical factor when operating a company. Cruise companies are also looking for new technological advancement that can help improve safety occurrences. New technologies are being developed to assist the multibillion dollar industry. Due to the increase production of new ships, technologies are advancing each year. Cruise ships are looking for the most advanced Maritime technology, GPS systems and Satellite Weathering systems that the industry offers. Now that cruising has become a large part of the travel industry new and safer systems are in demand. Legal The Legal factors are important to the cruise industry. The cruise industry has been monitored for many types of law violations, such as employment, consumer, health and safety violations. If any cruise company is caught, violating any of these laws, large fines or criminal penalties can result from it. The legal occurrences can damage political and governmental relations. This is why Legal factors play an important role to the cruise industry. Environment The Environment factors have a large impact to the cruise industry. For example climate change and weather can impact the cruise industry as a whole. The cruise ships have advance weathering systems that can detect storm movement. Environmental factors must be addressed when creating newer cruise ship. Cruise operators goals are to decrease the environmental effects to the environment, thus decreasing climate change. For example reverse osmosis systems, shore power systems and wastewater systems all help decrease their environmental footprint. With pressures from Politians, cruise companies are forced to implement new environmental friendly technologies that can have a positive effect to the environment.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Where are we Headed in Cyberculture? Essay -- Computers Technology Ele
Where are we Headed in Cyberculture? According to Sven Birkerts in his essay, Into the Electronic Millennium, â€Å"a change is upon us – nothing could be clearer. The printed word is part of a vestigial order that we are moving away from – by choice and by societal compulsion†(Tribble and Trubek, 63). It is impossible to disagree with this statement given the technological evolutions that have occurred over the years. The availability and preference of what is involved in the change is what is called into question. Although we are moving toward a computer-centered society, I do not believe this change can occur for everyone. There are several factors to consider other than simply the presence of technology. Reflecting on the history of print culture, Birkerts writes that â€Å"the dominant oral culture was overtaken by the writing technology†and the art of physically writing was â€Å"effected in the late fifteenth century after Gutenberg invented moveable type†(63). Naturally, people were wary of accepting such changes because they preferred the old, familiar way of doing things. They liked what they were used to and were proficient at doing. The same is true for people of our day. Students are much more likely to prefer a computer to a book, because we have little to no choice in the matter. All of our work must be complete on a computer and we are required to search scholarly journals within databases to complete research papers. There are a few groups however, who I can imagine are less likely to put down a book and grab a keyboard. First, there is a generational issue to consider. People whose youth came before computers were introduced to the general public probably are not as familiar with them and may be less likely to c... way would not be the preferred method. Coinciding with my belief is Wendy Lesser in her essay, The Conversion, states that she â€Å"wouldn’t want to read a novel or even a ten-page story on e-mail†(228). In summary, yes, I do believe that we are moving towards a more computer-orientated society, but I do not see this change happening for everyone. I will believe a change will be more widely available when the cost of a new computer significantly drops and when the ease of use significantly rises. For those of us who are computer-saavy and who have spent years in front of a computer, we welcome the change and may even wonder what has taken so long, but for those children whose student-to-computer ratio is thirty-five to one, they will dread the day when they will be forced to use something they can not afford and wouldn’t know how to use if they could afford it.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Mothers and Their Roles in Nazi Germany Essay -- Germany Mother Mother
Mothers and Their Roles in Nazi Germany I am here today to discuss how gender played a critical role in the construction of the Nazi State, prior to 1938. Specifically, I would like to focus my analysis on how and why the Nazis constructed a conception of motherhood that defined the mother in relation to the state. For our purposes today, we will examine two ideal German mothers and explore their similarities in order to understand how and why the Nazis perceived mothers as public agents of the Volksgemeinschaft, or German community of people. Primary documents will allow us to examine first-hand experiences of mothers written within the context of Nazi Germany. But first, on must begin by understanding precisely how the Nazis defined motherhood. The Nazis essentially invoked the ethos or authority of nature in order to define motherhood. For instance, they state, â€Å"To be a mother means giving life to healthy children, bringing to fruition all the physical, mental, and spiritual faculties in these children†(HCC 282). Raising healthy children and encouraging physical, mental, and spiritual growth are clearly universal or natural goals that any mother should hope to attain, even today. The Nazis definition of motherhood, in this instance, seems to be inclusive rather than exclusionary. In addition to nature, the Nazis invoke the ethos of nationalism to define motherhood. For example, the Nazis state that mothers must create â€Å"a home for them which represents a place where nationalist and racialist culture is nurtured†(HCC 282). This nationalistic definition of motherhood is not inclusive. Rather, it is implicitly exclusive because it defines political and racial boundaries. It is important to ma... considered non-citizens still identified themselves as German Jews and nationalists. Hitler was incorrect when he asserted that Jews are a â€Å"foreign race, unwilling and unable to sacrifice its racial characteristics, to deny its own feeling, thinking, and striving†(HCC 142). How then do people like Marta Appel and her family identify themselves as German Jews? By juxtaposing Marta Appel to the Aryan peasant mother it becomes clear that the Nazis not only constructed an arbitrary definition of motherhood, but also of a whole race. Thus defining a mother as a public agent of the Volksmeingeschaft was nothing more than a means by which the Nazis carried out their anti-Semitic political agenda. The Nazis claimed to be exposing natural distinctions between races, but in reality they were creating superficial divisions between people who were essentially the same.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
I think that in Tennyson’s poems, The lady of Shalott and Mariana, Essa
I think that in Tennyson’s poems, The lady of Shalott and Mariana, the central female characters are presented to us in the way that Tennyson views women and their roles in society. There â€Å"Tennyson had great sympathy for women and the ways in which their lives were restricted.†Write the ways in which Tennyson presents the lives of women in some poems you have read. I think that in Tennyson’s poems, ‘The lady of Shalott’ and ‘Mariana’, the central female characters are presented to us in the way that Tennyson views women and their roles in society. There are many similarities and differences in both poems with how the female behave and live. In ‘The lady of Shalott’ the female lives in a tower, trapped and cursed, until she hears Lancelot coming. The lady is spinning tapestry and not looking out of the window at the outside world, yet towards the end of the poem she gets distracted and wants to see Lancelot for herself. The tapestry is an important symbol in the poem; it’s the only world that the lady lives in and this is still just other people’s lives that she sees through the mirror. This poem reflects the political turmoil that women faced in the year in which it was written. The lady is presented to us as being trapped and helpless. She has been introduced to us sat in this tower and her life seems desperate and lonely she’s waiting for a knight to save her whilst she is trapped away from the world. This poem reveals a lot about the Victorian concept of love and women. The lady in the poem embodies the true Victorian image of the â€Å"ideal†woman: virginal, embowered, innocent and obedient, also dedicated to her tasks. In Tennyson’s other poem, ‘Mariana’, there isn’t a development of a n... ...estry flies out of the window (How she saw the world before) and the mirror cracks (Her previous naà ¯ve perspective that she had of the world). The lady of Shalott cannot handle unrequited love and the reality of a harsh world so she kills herself. In the poem there is magical symbolism, this has human significance; ‘or when the Moon was overhead, Came two young lovers lately wed; "I am half sick of shadows," said the lady of Shalott.’ Tennyson writes about females lost in half-life, which results in people taking decisive, heroic action that leads to their doom. Tennyson brings attention to rhymes by making most of the lines stop, and the flow of words is brought to a halt by punctuation. The strong emphasis on rhymes gives the poem the feeling of an ancient tale, when news was carried from town to town by word of mouth and rhyming aided memorization.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Memory Recall History
Bibliography Cherry, Kendra. â€Å"Memory Retrieval: Retrieving Information from the Memory. †About. com Psychology. The New York Times Company, n. d. Web. 22 Sept. 2012. Holladay, April. â€Å"How Does the Human Memory Work? †USA Today. WonderQuest, 15 Mar. 2007. Web. 24 Sept. 2012. Mastin, Luke. â€Å"Memory Recall/ Retrieval. †The Human Memory. N. p. , 2009. Web. 22 Sept. 2012. Miller, Greg. â€Å"How Are Memories Stored and Retrieved. †Science Mag. AAAS, 1 July 2005. Web. 22 Sept. 2012. Mills, Kristen L. and Heather K. McMullan. â€Å"A Study of Short-Term Memory Recall with Pictures, Words, and Pictures and Words Presented Together. †National Undergraduate Research Clearinghouse Site. Missouri Western State University, 22 Apr. 2004. Web. 22 Sept. 2012. Memory Recall Memory recall occurs when you access information stored in your brain without being cued. This occurs when you are remembering simple things or taking a test. Two other types o f memory recall are recollection and recognition.Recollection is when you remember partial information. Recognition occurs when you identify information after experiencing it again (Cherry). Memories are stored into your brain using medical temporal lobes, MLT (Miller). The job of MLT is to make memories using neural activities that are created in response to the senses (Mastin). Another part of the brain that helps with memories is the hippocampus. The job of the hippocampus is to contain the new memories in the long-term or short-term memory (Holladay).One way of experimenting with memory recall was performed by Missouri Western State University. During this experiment people were given cards, some had just words, some had just pictures, and some had words and picture. These people were given a short amount of time until they were quizzed to see which group remembered what was on the card. The group that filled out the most information was the group that was given the words and pi ctures (Mills).
Friday, August 16, 2019
Operating system Information
Healthy, Empowered and Responsible community through delivery of quality health care services.To provide quality health care by competent and compassionate staff that is available, accessible, affordable, and sustainable for the constituents of racial. Development Plan Components/Network Configuration The consultant of Jackal Municipal Hospital (YAM) raises the question: â€Å"Is the network needed? †Most definitely a network should be established.Having intentions of using computers that want to â€Å"share†information, applications, or software implements the use of some type of network. Specifically, the idea was mentioned of using a database and sharing a community collection of client information. A logical topology setup with this given information and the company's desires would be to use a star topology. The star, built around a server-based network, will allow centralized accounts and file storage creating easier, central access with only having the employees to use a single account password.Employees want the ability to access to all files and services at the same time, using a server will be able to allot for he multiple requests to similar information without decreasing in performance. This setup will allow a server, client computers, and laser printer to be connected to a central switch that can share information across the local area network (LANA); in conjunction with this switch, a router, which is connected to a modem, will provide the local area network with an outside source to the internet.The server will act and provide the company's database of client files, a print server for a desired laser printer, and will host each employee's company e-mail account. However, a star apology creates flexibility and more usability for the employees, with any setup has it has couple potential downfalls. The physical wiring to connect computers on a star topology requires more labor and more cable for installation; running through the ceili ng, tight enclosures, or under the carpet can be tedious and slightly time consuming.Nonetheless, a server based network will well suited the setup, usage, and rate of growth of this Hospital Location of JACKAL MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL (YAM) Legal Basis This new network star topology, server configuration, and client computers will be overfed and control Microsoft's latest version of server operating system, Windows 7 Server With Windows 7 Server implemented, in conjunction with . Windows operating systems on the network, the hospital network services, security software, office productivity applications, and specialty software will be able to run effectively for company employees.Windows based, optional services such as Exchange Server 2013, SQL 2013, or Share Point Server operate effectively with the Windows. Office productivity programs such as word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation footwear will be available for employee use with the installation of Microsoft's Office 2010 Sui te; Microsoft's operating systems and their office productivity programs operate smoothly and have great file compatibility with each other. Accounting specific software and third-party business software, MOB Business Essentials, Sage Simply Accounting, or Quick Books 8. , perform exceptionally well across a windows based network and with the Office productivity software. Data Communication Media When relocating the business of operations to a new building and upgrading imputer equipment the need for new network media is a definite. Considering the specifications of the stationary, new computers, servers and network equipment CAT Ethernet cable is ideal. All of the newly selected units of business equipment have gigabit transfer compatible Nice and since CAT, to date, is the only HTTP cable capable of handling gigabit transfer it is the perfect choice for communication media.CAT cable and gigabit network cards will allow business employees and management to access server resources, transfer files, and provide a strong backbone for the business's data communication. Selecting CAT capable is the solution for the business's stationary computers, however suite the needs of the seven management positions that carry laptops a wireless access will be installed. A wireless access point will be able to support the business's laptops mobility capabilities.The employees with laptops while in the office will have the choice to either plug in with CAT or connect to the wireless to access the business's networked resources. Common Carriers and Services Usage Each employee in hospital is set to be outfitted with some type of computer that is unconnected to the new network; this is how will be how services and communications will be accessed and used. The business's internet access will be installed by local cable provider, Compact or similar.The services selected will provided a business connection that has Mbps download and Mbps upload speeds. The network capabilities will only be used by business employees and not the general public. Any client information or requested services will use a business employee as an arbitrator between them and the business's services. The employees will then access company services through their workstation or laptop, connect to the server that souses information, and use company software to satisfy client's requests.Employees business/client information. The employee will then choose the appropriate software to complete the client's request, either with network software or software installed on that business individual's computer. The reason why the network plan is being proposed : To create a LANA so that the employee can easily store a data on their own computer, with the used of the Ian, they can easily share and get data without being disturb. This way the work will be done fast and reliable to the employee in computer worker n the hospital.Network Diagram: (note: u can see the specs are bit low quality shown in dia gram sorry can't find any better pick in net sir) Investment requirement/Hardware Needs The new network proposal is completely is server-client network that totally revolves around the central server and its provided services, so to begin discussing new hardware lets start from the server and work outward. Before beginning individual hardware specifications, I have chosen hardware from Dell's business solutions. The business's services and resources will manage and controlled by Dell's Powered 800 Ill.
Dunning’s Eclectic Paradigm Essay
Dunning’s Eclectic Paradigm Professor John Dunning proposed the eclectic paradigm as a framework for determining the extent and pattern of the value-chain operations that companies own abroad. Dunning draws from various theoretical perspectives, including the comparative advantage and the factor proportions, monopolistic advantage, and internalization advantage theories. Let’s use a real firm to illustrate the eclectic paradigm. The Aluminum Corporation of America (Alcoa) has over 130,000 employees in roughly 43 countries. The company’s integrated operations include bauxite mining and aluminum refining. Its products include primary aluminum (which it refines from bauxite), automotive components, and sheet aluminum for beverage cans and Reynolds Wrap ®. The eclectic paradigm specifies three conditions that determine whether or not a company will internationalize via FDI: ownership-specific advantages, location-specific advantages, and internalization advantages. To successfully enter and conduct business in a foreign market, the MNE must possess ownership-specific advantages (unique to the firm) relative to other firms already doing business in the market. These consist of the knowledge, skills, capabilities, processes, relationships, or physical assets held by the firm that allow it to compete effectively in the global marketplace. They amount to the firm’s competitive advantages. To ensure international success, the advantages must be substantial enough to offset the costs that the firm incurs in establishing and operating foreign operations. They also must be specific to the MNE that possesses them and not readily transferable to other firms. Examples of ownership-specific advantages include proprietary technology, managerial skills, trademarks or brand names, economies of scale, and access to substantial financial resources. The more valuable the firm’s ownership-specific advantages, the more likely it is to inter- nationalize via FDI. One of Alcoa’s most important ownership- specific advantages is the proprietary technology that it has acquired from R&D activities. Over time, Alcoa has also acquired special managerial and marketing skills in the production and marketing of refined aluminum. The firm has a well-known brand name in the aluminum industry, which helps increase sales. Because it is a large firm, Alcoa also profits from economies of scale and the ability to finance expensive projects. These advantages have allowed Alcoa to maximize the performance of its international operations. Location-specific advantages refer to the comparative advantages that exist in individual foreign countries. Each country possesses a unique set of advantages from which companies can derive specific benefits. Examples include natural resources, skilled labor, low-cost labor, and inexpensive capital. Sophisticated managers recognize and seek to benefit from the host country advantages. Aloca- tion-specific advantage must be present for FDI to succeed. It must be profitable to the firm to locate abroad, that is, to utilize its ownership-specific advantages in conjunction with at least some location-specific advantages in the target country. Otherwise, the firm would use exporting to enter foreign markets.17 In terms of location-specific advantages, Alcoa located refineries in Brazil because of that country’s huge deposits of bauxite, a mineral found in relatively few other locations worldwide. The Amazon and other major rivers in Brazil generate huge amounts of hydroelectric power, a critical ingredient in electricity-intensive aluminum refining. Alcoa also benefits in Brazil from low-cost, relatively well-educated laborers, who work in the firm’s refineries. Internalization advantages are the advantages that the firm derives from internalizing foreign-based manufacturing, distribution, or other stages in its value chain. When profitable, the firm will transfer its ownership-specific advantages across national borders within its own organization, rather than dissipating them to independent, foreign entities. The FDI decision depends on which is the best optionâ€â€internalization versus utilizing external partnersâ€â€whether they are licensees, distributors, or suppliers. Internalization advantages include: the ability to control how the firm’s products are produced or marketed, the ability to control dissemination of the firm’s proprietary knowledge, and the ability to reduce buyer uncertainty about the value of products the firm offers. 18 Alcoa has internalized many of its operations instead of having them handled by outside independent suppliers for five reasons. First, Alcoa management wants to minimize dissemination of knowledge about its aluminum refining operations knowledge the firm acquired at great expense. Second, compared to using outside suppliers, internalization provides the best net return to Alcoa, allowing it to minimize the costs of operations. Third, Alcoa needs to control sales of its aluminum products to avoid depressing world aluminum prices by supplying too much aluminum into world markets. Fourth, Alcoa wants to be able to apply a differential pricing strategy, charging different prices to different customers. The firm could not differentiate its prices very effectively without the control over the distribution of its final products that internalization provides. Finally, aluminum refining is a complex business and Alcoa wants to control it to maintain the quality of its products.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
What is Censorship?
I will discuss whether or not censorship is a good or bad thing and what affect it has on the people and whether this influence is helpful to society. The media needs censorship because discretion in viewers or censorship is necessary; it reduces the risk of exposing children of easily influenced ages to adult content as well as inappropriate content that should not be exposed to all. Media exposure is a powerful factor in influencing the values and opinions of children; for this reason, the need to control all that they see and hear from the media. An example of this are rap songs, which usually contain swear words, say if a young child was in the room and heard this and then began to repeat the word, this is why some word in songs are censored. On the other hand there are cons to censorship. It compromises freedom of speech. Also not censoring can be a good thing as shock tactics are the best way to help children/teenagers to stay safe, for instance if a teenager saw a picture of a girl dead from a drug overdose it would help them to see that it is dangerous making sure that they stay away from it. Everyone should be able to choose whether censoring is better or not, seeing things like the example above will help children to think twice leading them to make the right choices rather than being reckless and irresponsible with their decisions. In conclusion I believe that censorship is good because it protects the privacy of the people. We should all have a choice, some may rather prefer content be censored like if they live in a family environment with children around. Whereas others would choose not censoring for example if they live on their own and are an adult, listening to swear words would not cause any harm or have any impact as most likely they already know these certain words.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Freytag Pyramid of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream†by William Shakespeare Essay
Lysander and Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, Titania and Oberon, Pyramus and Thisbe 1) Exposition: Lysander and Demetrius both want Hermia’s hand in marriage – Lysander because of love, Demetrius because of the position and power it would afford. Demetrius wants to marry Hermia to gain her father’s favor, along with his power and position. Helena is in love with Demetrius, who will not give her a second look. Titania and Oberon are angry with each other, jealous over each other’s fascination with Theseus and Hippolyta respectively. Pyramus and Thisbe cannot be together and can only whisper through a wall. 2) Inciting Incident: Hermia’s father orders her to marry Demetrius or commit herself to a nunnery forever. Helena finds out Hermia and Lysander are running away. She tells Demetrius so he will forget about Hermia and give her a chance. Bottom and gang steal away into the wood to practice for the play. Oberon casts a spell on Titania that she would fall in love with the first thing she lays eyes on. Pyramus and Thisbe lovers agree to meet in the dark of night at Ninny’s tomb. 3) Rising Action: Hermia and Lysander plan to run away into the wood. Demetrius follows Hermia and Lysander into the wood to retrieve Hermia. Helena follows Demetrius into the wood desperate to make him love her. Bottom and gang steal away into the wood to practice for the play. The lion approaches and scares Thisbe, who runs off. 4) Climax: Oberon orders Puck, to put a love spell on Demetrius so that when he awakens he will fall in love with Helena. Puck mistakes Lysander for Demetrius and puts the spell on the wrong mortal, who subsequently falls in love with Helena. Puck attempts to rectify his mistake by putting the spell on the correct mortal, Demetrius, who instantly falls in love with Helena. Titania first sees Bottom and falls in love. Pyramus arrives to find Thisbe’s mantle torn and bloody. 5) Falling Action: The two men fight over Helena while Hermia watches in horror. Hermia and Helena begin to fight. Oberon begins to feel bad for the poor mortals he has cast his spells upon. Pyramus believes Thisbe is dead. 6) Resolution: Puck applies the remedy to Lysander’s eyes while he sleeps, returning his love to Hermia. The lovers awake, Lysander and Hermia in love and Demetrius and Helena in love (though not knowing exactly why). Oberon removes the spell from Titania, who draws back in horror at the sight of bottom next to her. Believing Thisbe to be dead, Pyramus stabs himself and dies. 7) Denouement: The four lovers come together with the consent of everyone and watch a play of a Romeo and Juliet-style love story. The lovers ponder the meaning of love through the tragedy of the play, the mystery of what happened in the wood looming over them. Shakespeare concludes with an epilogue by Puck, the wood fairy, apologizing for any offense for their play with the mortals. Titania and Oberon celebrate Theseus and Hippolyta’s marriage, finally happy with each other. Thisbe finds Pyramus dead and kills herself. The lovers are finally together in death.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Ashoka and Emperor ashoka ( choose heading) Essay
Ashoka and Emperor ashoka ( choose heading) - Essay Example However, a look at some of the stone pillars in some part of the modern-day India proves that such an empire existed. For example in Bihar, India, there are stone pillars that are inscribed with the Emperor’s statues and edicts. Ancient Sanskirt literature also shows that there was a great Emperor called Ashoka. In Sarnath city which is also in India, there are statues of lions which are now part of India’s National emblem (Rao 96). These are the Ashoka lions, of course named after the Emperor Ashoka. He Emperor ordered installation of these pillars (Joshi 60). A look at the statues and some of the stone pillars shows that the Emperor had them inscribed with merciful laws. Based on the evidence from Joshi’s book and a history professor called B.V. Rao, Emperor Ashoka waged a constant war for the first eight years when he was in power. It is also clear that the Emperor had inherited a large empire, which he expanded in his reign to include some of the other Indian subcontinent. He also expanded his empire to the modern-day borders of Burmese eastern border, western side of Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Iran (Rao 94). It was only Sri Lanka and other southern parts of India which remained out of the Emperor’s reach. However, despite the ancient Kalinga kingdom, north of India, being out of his reach, he attacked the kingdom in year 265. He took advantage of the fact that it was his second wife’s homeland, Kaurwaki. The Mauryan Emperor had sought refuge from his hostile half-brothers, in the Kalinga kingdom. He gathered the largest army in Indian history to attach Kalinga, which crumbled after losing most of its warriors. After going through the story about this Emperor and his dynasty I got surprised after discovering that he was one of the many ruthless rulers in human history to change into one of the most respected rulers. I expected to find a
Monday, August 12, 2019
Is Iran a threat to the U.S Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Is Iran a threat to the U.S - Research Paper Example Iran’s military also plans for a three-stage missile capable to hit targets some 3700 km away4. Despite Iran’s repeated assurances that its nuclear program is for purely peaceful purposes, the West and Israel believe that the Islamic Republic is striving to obtain a nuclear weapon, which is more or less substantiated by the latest IAEA’s report on the issue5. Alternatively, Iran doesn’t pose any serious threat to the United States because of the reasons below: Iran’s economy is suffering heavy blows with the country’s oil revenues being dramatically slashed and other trade disrupted due to the international sanctions6. This would eventually hamper both the country’s geopolitical ambitions and military programs; The expansion of the Iranian ballistic missile arsenal, along with both space and nuclear programs, will drain the country’s resources sooner or later; The military capabilities of United States overwhelmingly exceed even the most unbridled wishes of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards; Iran has recently declared that welcomes a US offer of bilateral nuclear talks. With all the ambiguity of the possible outcome, such talks have the potential for a certain reconciliation7; The so-called Arab spring, or its after effects, whatever the case might be, would eventually reach the Islamic Republic. Weighing the Pros and Cons The US-Iran relations have gone from bad to worse ever since the Shah’s fall from power in 19798. The hostage crisis, which lasted for 444 days, along with the American support for Saddam Hussein and the number of armed incidents involving US and Iranian air and naval units during the Iran-Iraq war, brought about a deep crisis in the bilateral relations9. The first Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, had demonized the US as the â€Å"Great Satan†in 1979, which image was projected across the Middle East and beyond, as well as deeply embedded in anti-American rhetoric10. Not surprisingly therefore, Hezbollah’s leader Nasrallah stated in 2002 - one year after 9/11 – that â€Å"our hostility to the Great Satan is absolute†11. Accordingly, Iran was placed on the list of rogue states, alongside Cuba, Burma, North Korea, etc., and was designated by the President George W. Bush as one of the countries that constitute the â€Å"Axis of Evil†12. The current Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, is renowned for his animosity to the US13, and if his power and the survival of the Islamic theocracy are in danger, he would not hesitate to order strikes against US targets within the operational range of the Iranian ballistic missiles, including military and civilian installations, as well as against key American allies, most notably Israel. The anti-Semitic and anti-American rhetoric of the incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also implies such a possibility, although the real clout in Iran belongs to Ayatollah Khamenei and the circle around him. What makes the situation particularly precarious, however, is the fact that
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Arbitration Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Arbitration Law - Assignment Example to consider before getting into an agreement such as this one and the relevant alternative methods of solving disputes that may arise between the parties to a contract such as this other than arbitration2. In addition to that, this report shall guide you through a practical approach into the identification of pitfalls that may come with the drafting of such a clause in a contract aside from providing the benefits that can be gained according to the law over the counter-party that arise from drafting the standard dispute resolution clause3. While drafting a standard dispute resolution clause, the author should ensure that the content is not ambiguous and can be clearly understood by both parties4. It is important to note that the courts in England will seek to implement the agreement as agreed upon by both parties on the dispute resolution mechanism. In the event that such information is not clearly stipulated in the dispute resolution clause resulting from the clause being poorly written, both parties to the contract may find themselves in unfamiliar grounds in trying to seek a way out of their dispute5. The dispute resolution clause should not be confused with the governing law clause because the dispute resolution clause provides the forum that both parties to the contract wish their disputes to be resolved in any case they arise. Parties to the contract specify the methods of solving their disputes in the standard dispute resolution clause6. These methods range from arbitration to reference to litigation and even mediation. Reference to litigation, also known as Jurisdiction Clause, is done through the courts. The jurisdiction clause is added when parties to a contract want a certain court, or a specific number of courts, to determine their case. However, including the jurisdiction clause into the contract in a situation where the parties have settled on an alternative forum as their most preferred is outlawed7. This clause is one of the considerations to be
Discussion Board Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Discussion Board - Assignment Example This highlights the importance of several types of task analysis such as procedural analysis and concept analysis. Procedural analysis, as the name connotes, is a type of task analysis that focuses on procedures. It is "used to identify the sequential steps for completing a psychomotor or cognitive task (Luppicini, 78)." The nature of this method makes it appropriate in identifying the contents that causes problems, hence, the information necessary in solving them as well. For example, an analysis is broken down into several steps, the first being deconstructing a task being examined into several units. Structures are then determined using tools such as those performance-related matrices. Based on these structures, an evaluation can finally be performed. This demonstrates that, as with the traditional task analysis, procedural analysis is focused on the sequential approach in completing its analytical objectives. On the other hand, concept analysis is a type of cognitive task analysis that is used to represent the structure of an experts thinking (Jonassen, Tessmer and Hannum, 201). It sequences concept characteristics that relate to the concept or concept hierarchy (Olrich et al., p.143). These mean that this particular tool is particularly appropriate in analyzing tasks that are knowledge-based. This characteristic should differentiate it from the manner by which procedural analysis works. It operates through several approaches such as conceptual graphs or concept maps. By articulating knowledge through a systematic visual structure, relationships, issues, questions, problems, and new information, among others are revealed. For instance, a conceptual graph depicts these through nodes that include actions, events, and goals, wherein a specific set of relations exists for a specific type of node (Jonassen, Tessmer and Hannum, 201). Concept analysis can also
Saturday, August 10, 2019
The Internet and Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Internet and Business - Essay Example Every business to thrive in this tough competitive market must have a business model to boost the developmental plans. A business model acts as the back-bone of a business and helps the business to make strategic decisions. River Island - as a business has a business model of stylish, high-quality fashion clothing especially for its target audience. The Body Shop on the contrary has developed a business model focusing on the natural beauty and beauty products. River Island promotes fashion and modernization; whereas The Body Shop promotes beauty with natural products. As part of business model and marketing strategy each business has their own target markets and target audiences. River Island targets young men and women, boys and girls with an attitude and style statement. The target audience is high-street consumers looking for affordable yet stylish fashion clothing by including new designs in apparel, shoes, bags and more. On the contrary The Body Shop targets consumers with more mature blend of mind set and inclined towards natural products for beauty enhancement. The target audience is restricted to consumers who are searching for natural beauty products for various requirements including, skin care, body and bath, make-up, hair, fragrance and more. Modern business world has seen fierce competitions within business houses. It is nearly impossible to have a business without any competition in modern days. River Island has also competitions such as H&M, Republic, ASOS, G2000, Padini, U2 etc to name a few. Similarly The Body Shop also faces many competitors such as Lush, Aveda, Origins, Kiehls etc to name a few. Businesses have developed marketing strategies exploiting the mass adoption and usage of Internet. The simplest and foremost of Internet marketing strategies is the website of the business. Although the Internet marketing strategies
Friday, August 9, 2019
Culture in organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Culture in organization - Essay Example According to my mentor, it is essential to have culture in an organization. This is because culture creates an opportunity for the employees to learn from each other on different cultural values. Such includes improvement on their appreciation of individuals from other cultures. As such, it becomes easier for employees to interact and conduct business with different people from all geographical locations in the world. Culture is an integral part in determining the interaction strategies and methods for employees. Such includes enhancing a health competition at the organization workplace. Culture also ensures that employees have a sense of direction while at the workplace, which determines their ability of achieving success in different spheres of life (Lowe 1). Furthermore, culture ensures that employees have an identity while in the organization. Such includes a cultural policy, which offers the direction and guidelines for employees while in the organization. Consequently, an organ ization wins loyalty from employees, which contributes towards the achievement of success in business activities. Culture creates a difference of promoting the brand image of a firm by establishing a common platform for individuals. Such is possible because culture brings unity among employees from different cultural backgrounds. These employees also get a chance of establishing long-lasting relationships, which enables them to extract the best from all the team members in an organization.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Chaos theory Applications to PDEs (geometry design) Essay
Chaos theory Applications to PDEs (geometry design) - Essay Example 55). Therefore, there has been a growing demand for the development for a much stronger theory than for the finite dimensional systems. In mathematics, there are significant challenges in the studies on the infinite dimensional systems (Taylor, 1996; p. 88). For instance, as phase spaces, the Banach spaces have many structures than in Euclidean spaces. In application, the most vital natural phenomena are explained by the partial differential equations, most of important natural phenomena are described by the Yang-Mills equations, partial differential equations, nonlinear wave equations, and Navier-Stokes equations among others. Problem Statement Chaos theory has led to profound mathematical equations and theorems that have numerous applications in different fields including chemistry, biology, physics, and engineering among other fields or professions. Problem Definition The nonlinear wave equations are usually significant class of equations especially natural sciences (Cyganowski, K loeden, and Ombach, 2002; p. 33). They usually describe a wide spectrum of phenomena including water waves, motion of plasma, vortex motion, and nonlinear optics (laser) among others (Wasow, 2002). Notably, these types of equations often describe differences and varied phenomena; particularly, similar soliton equation that describes several different situations. These types of equations can be described by the nonlinear Schrodinger equation 1 The equation 1 above has a soliton solution 2 Where the variable This leads to 3 The equation leads to the development of the soliton equations whose Cauchy problems that are solved completely through the scattering transformations. The soliton equations are similar to the integrable Hamiltonian equations that are naturally counterparts of the finite dimensionalintegrable differential systems. Setting up the systematic study of the chaos theory in the partial differential equations, there is a need to start with the perturbed soliton equations (Wasow, 2002). The perturbed soliton equations can be classified into three main categories including: 1. Perturbed (1=1) dimensional soliton equations 2. Perturbed soliton lattices 3. Perturbed (1 + n) dimensional soliton equations (n? 2). For each of the above categories, to analyze the chaos theory in the partial differential equations, there is needed to choose a candidate for study. The integrable theories are often parallel for every member within the same category (Taylor, 1996; p. 102). Moreover, members of different categories are often different substantial. Therefore, the theorem that describes the existence of chaos on each candidate can be generalized parallely to other members under the same category (Wasow, 2002). For instance; The candidate in the first category is often described by a perturbed cubic that often focuses on the nonlinear Schrodinger equation 4 Under even and periodic boundary conditions q (x+1) = q (x) and q (x) =q (x), and is a real constant. The can didates in category 2 are often considered as the perturbed discrete cubic that often focus on the nonlinear Schrodinger equation + Perturbations, 5 The above equation is only valid under even and periodic boundary conditions described by +N = The candidates falling under category 3 are perturbed Davey-Stewartson II equations 6 The equation is only satisfied under the even and periodic
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